OECD’s education report on Turkey
Source:OECD Date:14Sep2017
Turkey is still last among OECD nations in educational achievement. Educational attainment is still low in Turkey: 43% of 25-64 year-olds have only achieved primary education as their highest level of education, the highest share among all OECD and partner countries along with Indonesia.
Full enrolment, defined by at least 90% enrolment of a given age group, ends substantially earlier in Turkey, at the age of 14, compared to 17 or 18 in most OECD countries. This results in even lower enrolment rates at the age of 18: whereas on average across OECD countries 76% of 18-year-olds are enrolled in secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary or tertiary education, the share is only 46% in Turkey.