A Turkish-Iranian businessman may now be cooperating with investigators looking into Michael Flynn
Source:CNBC Date:17Nov2017
WOW!!!. As far as Turko-American relations go, the title of this article could be the bomb shell of the century. The article claims:
- The release of a well-connected Turkish-Iranian businessman from a U.S. prison earlier this month might spell trouble for former White House national security advisor Michael Flynn.
- Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether Flynn discussed ways to free Reza Zarrab, a wealthy gold trader with dual Iranian and Turkish citizenship and personal ties to Erdogan.
For the readers’ convenience I’m also linking the a.m Daily Beast commentary on the Reza Zarrab case. I can’t comment on the veracity of these allegations, but they are correct, next week when Reza Zarrab “spills the beans” in a courtroom, Ankara, Flynn and Tuırkish banks could be in for a big shock.