
Risk of Conflict in Northern Syria Between U.S., Turkey Rising

Source:Bloomberg Date:03Feb2018

The current standoff is probably the most serious. Relations are “teetering on the brink of a precipice,” and direct military conflict is a real possibility, according to Anthony Skinner, a

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Turkey Judiciary Draws Fire for Continued Incarceration of Rights Activist

Source:VoA Date:02Feb2018

The dramatic succession of events has provoked international condemnation. “A disgrace and an outrageous travesty of justice,” Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty declared in a

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Are armed pro-government vigilantes rising in Turkey?

Source:BBC news Date:02Feb2018

How can you tell if a country is suffering from mass hysteria and mental delusion?  Read this article. Armed groups are mushrooming in the Islamist-nationalist segment of the society, threatening

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Could Abdullah Gul be the unexpected saviour of Turkey’s opposition?

Source:Middle East Eye Date:30Jan2018

In the last days of 2017, a new state of emergency decree, providing immunity to civilians who took part in suppressing the July 2016 coup attempt against the Turkish government, triggered an

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Strategic Syrian peak slips through Turkey’s fingers

Source:al Monitor Date:30Jan2018

What is the truth about Operation Olive Branch?  Journalist and researcher Mrs Amberin Zaman presents an alternative view of the Afrin Campaign, widely embraced by a vast majority of Tukrs and

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Turkey Looks Fragile Again

Source:Barron's Date:28Jan2018

Erdogan unleashed aggressive economic stimulus in 2017 to jolt Turkey’s economy out of a recession that followed a July 2016 coup attempt. The government established a 250 billion Turkish lira

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Turkey’s Afrin Offensive can pitch Ankara against both Washington and Moscow

Source:Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis Date:25Jan2018

According to some Turkish analysts, the planned offensive is linked to domestic politics as the AKP is approaching a crucial election year. Many feel that Erdoğan is preparing to call for early

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With more Islamic schooling, Erdogan aims to reshape Turkey

Source:Reuters Date:25Jan2018

Reuters tells the story of forced Sunnification of  Turkish youth and its sad results:   Only 18 percent of applicants from religious schools earned places on full degree courses at

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Turkey plays catch-up with militarization in Red Sea

Source:al Monitor Date:24Jan2018

Turkey’s Suakin Island venture:  Turkey and Qatar are linked by their support of the Muslim Brotherhood, while countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are staunchly opposed to the

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‘Terrifying’: How a single line of computer code put thousands of innocent Turks in jail

Source:CBC News Date:22Jan2018

A heart-breaking story of how Gulenists still plot against the Turkish society and how ruthless and blind the  anit-Gulen crackdown has become. A must read for those who wish to understand the

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