
Ankara’s Look East: On Turkey’s warming ties with Russia…

Source:WarOntheRocks Date:29Dec2017

The strongmen of Turkey and Russia have met frequently this past year to discuss the Syrian civil war and bilateral relations. In parallel, Turkey’s relations with its Western allies have

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Turkey’s Stalinist prosecution of journalists for tweets and blogs

Source:Washington Post Date:28Dec2017

THESE ARE dark days for journalists in Turkey, now the leader among governments that imprison news-gatherers. In one week alone, nearly 70 journalists were on trial on false accusations of

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Turkey and Syria engage in a war of words as Erdogan and Assad call each other “terrorists”

Source:South China Morning Post Date:28Dec2017

It amazes me to find many well-informed pundits claiming that Erdogan has changed Syria policy in the direction of recognizing Assad’s legitimacy.  Turkey has not conceded defeat in Syria.

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Erdogan Trains His Broom on a Sweep of Turkey’s Governing Party

Source:New York Times Date:27Dec2017

Erdogan’s reform efforts in AKP are likely to fail, because the main problem lies with his policies, not the rank-and file. By the way, the party is losing support big time:  Mr. Erdogan

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Turkey’s waning fertility threatens Erdoğan’s vision of strength

Source:The Guardian Date:27Dec2017

Wow…Turkey is aging very rapidly.   Though Turkey remains the second most populous country in Europe after Germany, with a population of 79.5 million, and has one of the lowest median

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Berlin offers new model for Turkey, EU

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:26Dec2017

An EU agreement with Britain on relations after Brexit could serve as a model for ties with other countries that want to be as close as possible to the bloc but are not yet ready to join, such as

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U.S. jury in trial of Turkish banker shows signs of division

Source:Reuter's Date:23Dec2017

A New York jury in the trial of a Turkish banker accused of helping Iran evade U.S. sanctions showed signs of division on Friday as it ended its third day of deliberations without reaching a verdict.

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Turkish youth overwhelmingly against ‘other,’ study says

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:23Dec2017

Bad news is that young Turks are increasigly prejudiced againts the “other”, goos news is secularism and Kemalism is back in vague.

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Baghdad could take oil in new direction — away from Turkey

Source:al Monitor Date:19Dec2017

Ankara reaps a bitter harvest for abadoning Iraqi Kurds, as the Shia Circle begins to pay economic  dividends for Iran.   Another costly foreing policy mistake for Ankara, which bears directly on

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Turkey’s foreign policy challenges in 2018

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:19Dec2017

The former ambassador writes:  All these make Turkey an important catalyzer between Europe and the Middle East. Turkey has been unable to perform in compliance with such expectations in 2017. Let

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