
Stung by secularism, now defending it: A Muslim feminist worries about Erdogan’s ‘new Turkey’

Source:cbcnews Date:03Nov2017

This is a story of how AKP’s authoritarian  Islamism is losing it support: Sonmez worries the conservative government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan — which women like her helped elect — is

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Turkey finance minister defends banks at centre of US probe

Source:Financial Times Date:01Nov2017

Turkey’s finance minister has put forward a forceful defence of the activities of the country’s troubled banks during a period being investigated by US authorities for violating sanctions against Iran.

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Turkey tightens siege on Afrin

Source:al Monitor Date:31Oct2017

As the sixth round of  Astana peace talks take start,  Ankara realizes it does not benefit from peace in Syria. After  its incursion in Idlip Province, military planners have now set eyes on

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Suspicions over Turkey’s good faith in resolving US visa spat

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:28Oct2017

This is by far the most analytical article on the progress of the visa crisis.  Its prognosis is a prolonged standoff. Worse, soon Congress could take the lead in setting the tone of 

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Turkey-US relations locked into a downward spiral

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:28Oct2017

With chaos unfolding in neighboring Iraq and Syria, a fragile economy, and poor relations with neighbouring Europe, the last thing Erdogan needs in the run up to 2019 presidential elections is a

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Hostility Toward Militants Grows in Idlib as Turkey Deploys Troops

Source:Syria Deeply Date:24Oct2017

Residents of Syria’s Idlib province have welcomed Turkey’s latest cross-border campaign and many say they would side against HTS militants if a confrontation were to occur.

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Iraq paramilitaries battle Kurds in push towards Turkish border oil hub

Source:CNBC Date:24Oct2017

Fighting between Kurdish peshmerga an  Shia paramilitaries move closer to Turkish border, the oil pipeline and Turkey’s outpost against PKK, Camp Bashika. For Turkey the Kirkuk  crisis is

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Raqqa is free as ISIS loses steam, but hold off on the victory dance

Source:The Hill Date:21Oct2017

Poignant finale:  As the Arab Spring unfolded, this rising Islamic State struck a vivid contrast to the rapid collapse of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, an intoxicating counterpoint to failed

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‘Turkey Shield’ to purge region of terrorist organizations

Source:Yeni Safak Date:20Oct2017

Yeni Safak, a pro-AKP daily details Turkish Military’s plans to stop PKK and PYD-YPG  in Iraq and Syria. It promises heavy clashes and years of involvement in the Southern neighbors.

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Erdogan’s diplomatic spats leave a trail of Turkish disputes

Source:Financial Times Date:19Oct2017

This FT article actually describes Turkey’s institutional collapse, as Erdogan “personalizes” power in the Palace and among non-elected advisors, whose division of labor is 

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