
Turkey rebuffs Trump, won’t send jailed US pastor back

Source:Washington Post Date:29Sep2017

ISTANBUL — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has suggested that Turkey will not deport a U.S. pastor imprisoned in Turkey while Washington refuses to extradite the Turkish cleric that Ankara

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Turkish court releases prominent journalist Kadri Gürsel from jail

Source:HDN Date:26Sep2017

An Istanbul court ordered the release of veteran journalist Kadri Gürsel on Sept. 25 in the third hearing of the case into critical Turkish daily Cumhuriyet. While ruling for the release of

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Trump may have to sanction his Turkish president best buddy

Source:Washington Post Date:23Sep2017

Has the Trump-Erdogan summit stopped the detoriaration in the Turko-American relationship? Even pro-AKP Turkish commentators are skeptical.  WS claims the future of the relationship might be  in

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Turkey starts to deploy troops to northern Syrian province

Source:Financial Times Date:23Sep2017

Spoiler alert:  FT claims Turkish Forces began   moving into Syrian province of Idlib.

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Turkey to deploy troops inside Syria’s Idlib: Erdogan

Source:Middle East Eye Date:22Sep2017

This was expected. Turkey’s second Syrian adventure is expected to begin within a few weeks, in the rebel held province of  Idlib.  Ankara  is also contemplating  sanctions on Iraqi Kurds

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Syria’s Kurds to hold historic vote in ‘message’ to Assad

Source:Reuters Date:22Sep2017

Turkey’s worst nightmare  is coming true. Syrian Kurds organized under the banner of pro-PKK PYD-YPG are rapidly advancing towards statehood. A declaration of autonomy could arrive as early

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Banks Hire Lazard to Solve Turkey’s Biggest Default

Source:Bloomberg Date:20Sep2017

The companies have been locked in talks for almost a year after Otas failed to pay a September 2016 installment on the loan, the country’s biggest ever syndicated facility. Otas struggled to make

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Turkey accelerates preparations for Afrin operation

Source:Yeni Safak Date:20Sep2017

Pro-AKP newspaper claims Ankara will intervene in Syrian Kurdish canton of Afrin:  Preparations for a military operation in Syria’s Afrin, a hotbed for the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK)

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Turkey deploys 80 military vehicles near Syrian border

Source:al Jazeera Date:19Sep2017

Turkey might venture into Syria a second time. Deployment comes after Russia, Turkey, and Iran agreed to send ‘de-escalation’ forces to Syria in the coming weeks.

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Kurdistan referendum leaves Iraq’s Turkmens in quandary

Source:al Monitor Date:19Sep2017

This article addresses an important question. What will be the fate of Turkmenis, Turkey’s primary allies and ethnic kin in Iraq, if Kurds secede?

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