
Islamic State loses more ground in Raqqa, Deir Ezzor

Source:Long War Journal Date:07Sep2017

The US-backed coalition has slowly pushed its way through the city of Raqqa, which was the Islamic State’s first capital. Meanwhile, the Syrian regime and its allies are attempting to retake the

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U.S. Charges 4 Turks With Conspiring to Violate Iran Sanctions

Source:New York Times Date:07Sep2017

President Erdogan’s concerns about Reza Zarrab’s arrest turned out to be justified. The NYT article announces that the case now expanded to former economy minister and current MP Mr

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US, Iraq sanction Mosul finance emir believed to be in Turkey

Source:Rudaw Date:05Sep2017

It (US Treasury) added: “As of mid-2016, he was responsible for selling crude oil that ISIS extracted from oil fields in Iraq and Syria.  As of early 2017, Mansur was an ISIS finance emir for

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Angela Merkel backs end to EU-Turkey membership talks

Source:cbcnews Date:04Sep2017

This is truly a bombshell. I don’t know if she could find the votes, but the attempt could cause some damage to markets, bank loans and  FDI.

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Despite AKP sputtering, support grows for Erdogan rival

Source:al Monitor Date:02Sep2017

Meral Aksener, a Turkish nationalist who is being touted as a possible challenger to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has defined the contours of the battleground where she will wage her campaign:

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Chancellor Angela Merkel weighs tougher approach to Turkey after arrests

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:02Sep2017

For those who claim Turko-German relations would  improve after the German elections. They will get worse.

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Erdogan shakes up Turkey’s ruling party with eye on next election

Source:Financial Times Date:30Aug2017

I’ve argued since the rigged referendum that  AKP’s irreversible decline had started.  This article provides support for my view:   “AK love is 16 years old,” they declared, using the

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Turkey rift: German politicans demand economic pressure

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:30Aug2017

Top German lawmakers have urged the EU to halt aid payments to Turkey and halt talks on a new customs union deal. The calls come as Berlin has revealed details of another German national detained

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Source:Newsweek Date:30Aug2017

The belligerent Syrian fighters were not identified, but they were believed to have been part of a Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army group opposed to ISIS, the Syrian military and the mostly Kurdish

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Kurds drive a wedge between US and Turkey

Source:Arab News Date:29Aug2017

There is no light at the end of the tunnel for the moment in Turkish-American divergence on the Kurdish policy. If Turkey could come up with an exit strategy in its Syrian policy and focus on the

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