Turkish opposition seeks to challenge Erdogan at his own game
Source:al Monitor Date:05Jul2022
A series of nationalist outbursts by Turkey’s main opposition leader has fueled doubts about whether the opposition can relieve the country’s fraught foreign policy as Turkey heads to crucial
Istanbul mayor urges Turkish business community to show ‘courage’ towards Erdoğan
Source:Financial Times Date:04Jul2022
It takes balls to say business community lacks ball to stand up to Erdogan, who is destroying them Turkey’s business community is “culpable” for the worsening economic crisis because of its
Turkey’s Erdoğan threatens to derail Nato enlargement again
Source:Financial Times Date:01Jul2022
The Turkish president warned that Sweden and Finland’s entry into Nato “would not happen” unless ratified by his nation’s parliament, which is controlled by his ruling Justice and Development
Analysis: What Turkey Wants to Let Finland and Sweden Into NATO
Source:New York Times Date:25Jun2022
In an interview on Swedish television, a former NATO official, Stephanie Babst, said that Mr. Erdogan’s real agenda is domestic. “Primarily this is a message toward his electoral base at home,”
FT: Turkish bank regulator limits lira loans for firms holding foreign exchange
Source:Financial Times Date:25Jun2022
Virtual capital controls with very large distortive effects. The measure will apply to companies with foreign exchange on their books worth more than TL15mn ($890,000) that exceeds 10 per
US Should Brace for More Pushback From Erdogan
Source:Bloomberg Date:19Jun2022
Turkey’s allies and rivals, along with Turks themselves, might want to buckle up for 12 months of turbulence. The US and Europe should brace themselves for even more mudslinging and contrariness
Five Blunt Truths About the War in Ukraine
Source:New York Times Date:15Jun2022
Not about Turkey in Ukraine War, but proves the west may need Turkish alliance to push back Russia First, as retired Adm. James Stavridis has proposed, the U.S. should be prepared to
Turkey to Impose Residence Quotas on Foreigners From July 1
Source:Bloomberg Date:13Jun2022
This is how bad it is: In some boroughs migrant population exceeds natives Turkey will limit residence permits for foreigners to 20% of the population of certain neighborhoods across the
Turkey: persistently further from EU values and standards
Source:Official website of EP Date:11Jun2022
Without clear and significant progress on EU-related reforms, Parliament cannot envisage resuming accession negotiations with Turkey, warned MEPs on Tuesday. In a report adopted on Tuesday by 448
Turkey’s threat to derail Swedish and Finnish accession NATO raises the Kurdish Issue
Source:Brookings blog Date:07Jun2022
Turkey’s relations with the West will continue to be crisis-driven amid a range of ongoing tensions, including over the conflict in Libya, the eastern Mediterranean crisis, tensions with the EU