Haftar’s Bid to Take Tripoli Ends as Last Bastion in West Falls
Source:Bloomberg Date:06Jun2020
Well, it is a victory of sorts for Turkey Libya’s internationally recognized government said on Friday it had taken the remaining stronghold of Khalifa Haftar in the country’s west,
More S-400s? Is Turkey Moving Closer to Russia Again?
Source:Yahoo News Date:04Jun2020
“Today we can say that Turkey’s orders for Russian military equipment stand at a total of $1 billion,” Dmitry Shugayev, chief of Russia’s federal service for military-technological cooperation,
Hagia Sophia stunts cannot solve Erdogan’s problems
Source:Ekathemerini Date:01Jun2020
Where does Erdogan stand today concerning attempts to reconquer Hagia Sophia? The latest developments show that two senior figures, Erbas and Altun, have replaced Arinc as Erdogan’s surrogate
Is Turkey on moderation path in its foreign policy?
Source:al Monitor Date:26May2020
Sadly, NO says Middle East affairs expert Mr Fehim Tastekin Conciliatory messages coming out of Ankara recently may appear as an effort to moderate Turkish foreign policy vis-a-vis the
As Virus Spreads in Russia’s Caucasus, Rumors Swirl Over Strongman’s Health
Source:New York Times Date:24May2020
Do you understand that Turkey is surrounded by hotbeds of corona infestation? Official numbers are still low — Chechnya has reported 1,046 cases of the virus and 11 deaths — but
Israeli military says Iran is slowly pulling out of Syria
Source:Yahoo News Date:23May2020
If true, this would be very good news for Turkey’s objectives in Syria The Israeli military described the withdrawal as “a backward movement from various locations to other locations
In Stunning Reversal, Turkey Emerges as Libya Kingmaker
Source:New York Times Date:22May2020
A string of victories by Turkish-backed forces in western Libya this week dealt a heavy blow to the ambitions of the aspiring strongman Khalifa Hifter and signaled the arrival of Turkey as a
Coronavirus in Syria: Bashar al-Assad warns of catastrophe if cases jump
Source:Irish Times Date:06May2020
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has warned that the war-ravaged country could face catastrophe if coronavirus cases exceed the capabilities of the debilitated healthcare system. Arguing
What is behind Erdogan’s coronavirus diplomacy?
Source:Financial Times Date:01May2020
“Turkish national identity has been shaped around the desire to get respect from the west,” she said. “This idea that Turkey’s healthcare sector is better prepared, its manufacturing sector is
LAST MINUTE: Disaster in Afrin
Source:Yahoo News Date:28Apr2020
A fuel tanker exploded Tuesday in an attack on a northern Syrian town controlled by Turkish-backed opposition fighters, killing at least 40 civilians, Turkey’s Defense Ministry said. The ministry