In high-risk move, Erdogan calls for Istanbul election to be annulled
Source:The Arab Weekly Date:15Apr2019
AKP Deputy Chairman Ali Ihsan Yavuz called for new elections in Istanbul, which would probably take place in June, news reports said. The decision to schedule a new election rests with Turkey’s
Turkey After The Heated Municipal Elections
Source:LobeLog Date:15Apr2019
Erdogan’s post-election economic reform package will also be closely analyzed by most European countries, who are by far Turkey’s biggest trade partners. The technical details of the financial
Have Turkey’s Elections Produced a Challenger to Erdogan? A resume of Ekrem Imamoglu
Source:Foreign Affairs Date:13Apr2019
Ayla Jean Ackley writes the first CV of the man who delivered CHP its first major victory in 16 years, mayor-soon-to-be-elect of Istanbul, Mr Ekrem Imamoglu “Imamoglu doesn’t carry the
Turkey at the Crossroads
Source:The Cipher Brief Date:12Apr2019
Turkey’s ruling AKP party is asking for a full recount in the mayoral election in Istanbul, making accusations of ‘wide-spread crimes.’ Defeats for the AKP in the nation-wide elections
Pelican clique undermines Turkey’s ruling party, seeks Istanbul re-vote
Source:Ahval News Date:12Apr2019
A precious expose of the factions within AKP with focus on one particularly virulent strain, called the Pelicanists. A must read for those who need to understand the intricacies of Turkish
Why Turkey’s PKK Conflict Looms Larger than Ever in Local Election Aftermath
Source:Foreign Policy Research Institute Date:10Apr2019
Faced with a sweeping political rebuke, however, Erdogan’s party has found a silver lining in Turkey’s majority Kurdish southeast. There, it has touted unexpected victories as evidence that the
A U.S. Fighter Jet or a Russian Missile System. Not Both.
Source:New York Times Date:09Apr2019
This letter is written by Congressional leaders: Mr. Inhofe and Mr. Reed are the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Mr. Risch and Mr. Menendez are the chairman
Amid Turkey’s pending Russia defense system purchase, some question Trump’s ability to push back
Source:Yahoo News Date:09Apr2019
As Turkey moves forward with the controversial purchase of Russia’s most sophisticated and advanced air defense systems, some State Department and Department of Defense officials are
Uighur debate shows shifting influence in Turkish policies
Source:al Monitor Date:08Apr2019
China’s treatment of the Uighurs doesn’t bear directly on Turkey’s economy, but the debate on the matter reveals the power struggle between the two circles that currently dominate
The Guardian view on Turkey and Erdoğan: a weakened strongman
Source:The Guardian Date:08Apr2019
But whatever happens next, there is no doubt about the blow dealt to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the country’s authoritarian president, after 16 years at the helm. He has asserted the legitimacy of his