Analysts expect renewed efforts to settle Kurdish issue following March polls in Turkey
Source:Xinhua Date:04Dec2018
Very interesting Xinhua view: Despite Ankara’s insistent calls in the past, the YPG did not give up establishing autonomous cantons along the Turkish border either. “In addition, if
Senate brakes on Trump do not signal gains for Turkey
Source:Ahval News Date:04Dec2018
Erdoğan has gained as much politically from the Khashoggi case as possible, but now that heinous crime is becoming a deeply regretted tragedy in the past, not a current cause for a strong
Curtains open for second act in F-35 crisis with Washington
Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:03Dec2018
And now the Pentagon names F-16s among the U.S. equipment in Turkey, acquisition of which might be affected by the purchase of Russian S-400s. Just like we saw in the recent case of Greece,
US-Turkey relations remain troubled despite G20 meetings
Source:Arab News Date:03Dec2018
US President Donald Trump and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan met twice on the sidelines of the G20 summit at the weekend. The meetings are a good sign that progress is being made in
Turkey’s ruling party cuts deal with nationalist MHP on mayoral races
Source:al Monitor Date:29Nov2018
The move is a bid to consolidate the right-of-center vote ahead of polls in which the AKP could suffer significant losses owing to the failing economy and a falling approval rating for the
Kurdish Ambitions Test Turkey’s Uneasy Peace With U.S.
Source:Bloomberg Date:29Nov2018
Will Ankara dare to disrupt the fragile equilibrium in Syria before March 2019 local elections? Turkey says its military is confronting another attempt to redraw the region’s maps. It
Can observation posts calm Turkish-Kurdish tensions on Syria border?
Source:al Monitor Date:27Nov2018
Speaking to Al-Monitor on the condition they not be identified, the sources recalled that Turkey had justified its military buildup along the Syrian border facing territory controlled by Syrian
Turkey-Russia deal imperilled by attacks in Syria
Source:Financial Times Date:27Nov2018
Eyes slowly turning to Idlib, a hassle Erdogan would rather avoid before municipal elections: Turkey has accused unnamed actors of seeking to scupper a ceasefire deal with Russia that had
Erdogan didn’t get all he hoped in Khashoggi case but he got a lot
Source:The Sydney Morning Herald Date:24Nov2018
“He is standing with the overwhelming majority of people in the Arab world,” said Asli Aydintasbas, a senior fellow with the European Council for Foreign Relations. “People are
Ankara’s psyche: It is payback time with the United States
Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:24Nov2018
During those tense months of Brunson negotiations, the Trump administration kept saying if the Turkish government had shown good will by letting go off Brunson, it would be reciprocated by some