
Is a face-saving in the making for Turkey?

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:08Oct2018

Reputable Washington ear Ms Camlibel claims  horse trading on Brunson vs Halkbank fine has resumed.  Xinhua article linked here  confirms  some negotiations taking place.

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Erdogan Toughens Stance as Cyprus Faces Permanent Partition

Source:Voice of America Date:07Oct2018

“Not to reduce the military presence but to increase it, is showing muscles. Turkey is going back to the policy of the 1990s,” Bagci said. “That is a policy of showing military

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Did Turkey’s Erdoğan return from Berlin empty-handed?

Source:Ahval News Date:07Oct2018

Written by Ali Yurttagül was an adviser for the Green/EFA European Parliamentary Group from 1985 to 2014. A member of the German Greens, he is an expert in domestic policy, justice, and human

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Will Iran, Turkey jointly confront US influence east of the Euphrates?

Source:al Monitor Date:06Oct2018

As such, the latest phase of Iran’s policy in Syria is premised on Turkey’s shrinking choices in the north of the war-torn country. Ankara’s fears of mounting Kurdish power in SDF-held areas are

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Farewell, Mr Testicle: Turkey helps citizens ditch embarrassing names

Source:The Guardian Date:05Oct2018

It is very rare to find humorus articles about Turkey. This ranks among the best.     Generations later, the trend persists. Rahmi is a name derived from the word for “merciful” but can

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Diverging policies could mar Russian-Turkish Syria alignment in long term – analysts

Source:Ahval News Date:05Oct2018

Turkey’s deal with Russia on Idlib, the last major territory in Syria held by the opposition, has brought the two countries together as the major international actors in the conflict, though

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Erdoğan calls on party to gear up for local polls

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:03Oct2018

Erdogan alrady worried about local elections   “The local elections that will be held in March [2019] are important for us to take actions in the upcoming five years in Turkey in a pace we

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Turkey faces tough choices on the US, Syria and EU

Source:Financial Times Date:03Oct2018

But as Mr Erdogan juggles his geopolitical (and economic) options, his one-man rule is getting rickety. The almighty president has rid himself of everybody who might know which levers to pull:

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Turkey’s Economic Turbulence: Domestic Initiatives and International Expectations

Source:Center for Strategic International Studies Date:30Sep2018

Renown Middle East expert Mr Bulent Aliriza comments on Turkey’s  economic crisis and Erdogan’s strategy to navigate out of it.   Erdogan is clearly facing one of the most

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Turkey May Target Mormons Next After Case Against U.S. Pastor


Prosecutors allege that evangelical missionary Andrew Brunson conspired with Mormons against the country’s president.

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