
Turkey and Russia agree on ‘demilitarized zone’ in Syria’s last rebel-held enclave

Source:Washington Post Date:19Sep2018

Very interesting analysis: But even as Turkey appeared to be boxed in, some analysts said that Erdogan had in fact been bolstered by support from Europe and the United States. Europe, which also

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Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s financial and strategic dilemmas

Source:Financial Times Date:19Sep2018

“Going to the IMF would be a big challenge,” says an AKP campaign strategist who underlines the party’s politically successful history of denouncing the tutelage of the fund. But, he adds,

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Report: Israel, Turkey working to re-establish normal ties

Source:Jerusalem Post Date:18Sep2018

Very interesting angle:  A number of factors have been cited as leading to Turkey’s interest in improving ties with Israel, including the winding down of the seven-year Syrian civil war and a

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Russia and Turkey to set up Idlib buffer zone to protect civilians

Source:The Guardian Date:18Sep2018

That is a major victory for Erdogan: The nine- to 12-mile (15-20km) zone running along the borders of the Idlib region will be safe from Syrian and Russian air force attack and will be in place

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China, Russia, Iran and Turkey to de-peg from dollar?

Source:al Arabiya Date:15Sep2018

Answers an important question Ankara is trying to sort through:   Can it defy the threat of American  sanctions by switching  to local currency trade?     China is the world’s largest

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U.S. marines conduct big drills with rebels in southern Syria

Source:Yahoo News Date:15Sep2018

This could be major development of American posture in Syria: Rebels say the U.S. military’s new policy to bolster Tanf’s capabilities is a big shift. “The American position has

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Here’s How to Save the U.S.-Turkey Alliance

Source:National Interest Date:14Sep2018

The United States committed to repairing its relationship with Turkey in 1978 and must be willing to make that same commitment in 2018. The process of preserving the U.S.-Turkey alliance will be

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Could A Coalition of the “Friends of Turkey” Ride to Turkey’s Financial Rescue?

Source:Council on Foreign Relations Date:14Sep2018

Brad Setser tries to answer the most important question vexing Turkey’s lenders. Can “Turkey’s friends, i.e. Russia, Qatar, China, etc, bail out the country, in case foreign

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Turkish-Russian ‘strategic ties’ fail stress test on Syria’s Idlib

Source:al Monitor Date:12Sep2018

Very interesting:  Pro-AKP press rebelling against the Turko-Russian alliance:   Although Erdogan and Cavusoglu are reluctant to accuse Russia directly, preferring to do this by blasting the

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Turkey’s Largest Dissident Paper Sees Major Overhaul, Prompting Resignations

Source:The Globe Post Date:11Sep2018

The latest development was interpreted as a final nail in the coffin of Turkey’s struggling free media, which was all but disappeared following the sale of Dogan media earlier this year.

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