
Turkey must free prisoners to mend ties with EU, Germany says

Source:Reuters Date:01Sep2018

Turkey cannot revive its strained relationship with the European Union until it frees German citizens it has detained, Germany’s foreign minister said on Friday as his Turkish counterpart called

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The War in Syria: Idlib in the Crosshairs

Source:Atlantic Council Date:01Sep2018

Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s regime, backed by Russia, appears to be preparing for a major offensive on Idlib, the last major rebel stronghold located along Syria’s northwestern border with

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Winter is Coming–for Turkey

Source:PA Intelligence Date:31Aug2018

Winter has come to  Turkey, a country where genuine, orthodox and comprehensive reform or policy change is not possible as long Erdogan and AKP hold  the levers of power.    Turkey is facing

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To Go Forward, Turkey Must Look Back

Source:Bloomberg Date:31Aug2018

Prof Daron Acemoglu hits a home run with his diagnosis of Turkey’s true malaise: How does Ankara get out of this mess? There has been no dearth of policy prescriptions. Some, like Paul

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Trump, Erdogan and the New Global Order

Source:New York Times Date:30Aug2018

The Trump administration must not choose drastic and destabilizing steps to put further pressure on Turkey or strong-arm allies into playing along with its decisions, says Nick Danforth,

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What is left of Turkish-EU relations?

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:28Aug2018

It is all transactional, says Ms Barcin Inanc of Hurriyet Daily News   Currently, the Turkish leadership seems set to improve its bilateral ties with member countries and increase

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MHP completes preparation of amnesty draft bill

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:27Aug2018

Why is this important?  Because AKP is against amnesty, while it needs MHP support in the Grand Assembly to pass legislation.

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Congress dangles Turkey trade deal as carrot to Trump’s stick

Source:al Monitor Date:27Aug2018

Reminds me of the famous  The clash tune:  Should I stay or should I go?   The Donald Trump administration’s heavy-handed approach with Turkey in its bid to secure the release of a detained

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Russia-Turkey-Iran pact can end over Idlib

Source:Gulfnews Date:26Aug2018

Attention:  Idlib could morph into something bigger than Pastor Brunson crisis   The fate of the rebel-held Syrian province of Idlib may decide the future of the uneasy alliance between

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A Turkish headache for the West

Source:BBC news Date:26Aug2018

Just much trouble is Turkey worth? So in the short-term, relations between the EU and Turkey may improve as its relationship with Washington becomes more strained. But in the longer term,

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