
Two serious problems of Turkey

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:03Aug2018

Murat Yetkin hits the bulls eye: Those two problems can be important regarding the future of the Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) government led by President Tayyip Erdoğan in future

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Why the White House just announced sanctions on Turkey

Source:Vox Date:02Aug2018

And the first shoe drops. The president is “not happy with Turkey’s decision” to continue to detain the man who has been held for nearly two years, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said

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Why the results of Turkey’s election are surprising

Source:Washington Post Date:01Aug2018

Very meticulous research missing the punchline: How many votes were stolen?  Would they have affected the outcome?  The answer after the careful scrutiny of the evidence  presented in the article

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What Turkey’s Political Changes Mean for U.S.-Turkish Relations

Source:Center for American Progress Date:01Aug2018

Some startling conclusions:  Still, such a change in perspective—from viewing Turkey as a democratic ally to viewing it as an authoritarian state important to U.S. foreign policy—inevitably will

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German politicians wary of pending Erdogan state visit

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:31Jul2018

The prospect of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan being received with military honors in Berlin has some German politicians up in arms. Others view the possible visit as an opportunity to

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Erdogan makes major security changes as he starts new term

Source:al Monitor Date:31Jul2018

The defense minister now becomes the key security decision-maker. The Defense Ministry will be responsible for political, legal and social affairs of the military and its educational, financial

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Russia-Turkey ties face ‘moment of truth’ over Syria’s Idlib

Source:al Monitor Date:28Jul2018

Very important. Turkey’s forgotten war in Syria.  Could Putin stop an imminent loyalist attack on Idlib,  which could compel Turkey to go to war?

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Trump lashes out at Erdogan, threatens sanctions over Brunson

Source:al Monitor Date:27Jul2018

Indeed, Trump’s words clearly suggest that placing Brunson under house arrest fell far short of appeasing the administration. Washington may have thought it had a deal with Ankara and that

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Trump Threatens Sanctions Against Turkey Over Detained Pastor

Source:New York Times Date:27Jul2018

Turko-American alliance at breaking point: President Trump abruptly announced on Thursday that the United States would impose “large sanctions” on Turkey for detaining an American pastor accused

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Spotlight: Turkey seeks closer cooperation with BRICS countries

Source:Xinhua Agency Date:26Jul2018

The upcoming BRICS summit presents an important opportunity for its member countries and Turkey to develop closer cooperation, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday. Before

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