
U.S. Pastor Moved to House Arrest in Turkey. Pompeo Says It’s ‘Not Enough.’

Source:New York Times Date:26Jul2018

A great moment for the poor victim, a disgrace for Turkish juctice.  US figured out that the only way to deal with Turkey is by coercion, i.e. sanctions threats.   On this subject I also

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Final defense bill looks to block F-35s to Turkey, going against Mattis

Source:The Hill Date:24Jul2018

This is significant for two reasons. First it means, Congress defies the pleas of Sec’t of Defence Mattis. Secondly, it is the first of several such proposals on the docket.   The

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US Justice Department spends more time on Gülen extradition request than others: US official

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:23Jul2018

“Ironically, we have been investigating the Gülen network probably longer than the Turkish government has, long before the coup attempt,” said the official. “The U.S. and Turkey have been

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Erdoğan’s Turkey: Unwanted in Arab Lands

Source:Gatestone Institute Date:23Jul2018

“We remain most curious,” an Arab defense attaché told this author one evening, “how an intelligent man like [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan stubbornly fails to

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US ‘sensitive’ to effect of Iran sanctions on Turkey

Source:Anatolian Agency Date:21Jul2018

The title has little to do with the text. (US rep) Billingslea said in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal, the first sanctions would be re-imposed at the beginning of August, followed by sanctions

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Idlib possibly Syria’s next target, security risks ahead for Turkey

Source:Xinhua Agency Date:21Jul2018

Syrian War escalates security threats for Turkey: Even if Turkey manages to get the rebels to hand over Idlib to the Syrian army and withdraw to areas under Turkish control in Syria, Turkey would

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Erdoğan files complaint against Kılıçdaroğlu, 72 CHP deputies

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:20Jul2018

State of Emergency is history, but  pressure on the oppostion piles up:   Kılıçdaroğlu had tweeted a cartoon on July 17 depicting Erdoğan as various animals to show support for four

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U.S. Steps Up Pressure on Turkey to Free American Pastor

Source:Wall Street Journal Date:20Jul2018

The Trump administration has launched an intensive diplomatic effort to try to secure freedom for an American pastor who has been held in Turkey for nearly two years on what the U.S. says are

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EU should keep Turkey close and Erdoğan even closer

Source:Politico Date:18Jul2018

Today, Turkey’s prospects for joining the EU are the lowest they have been since talks began in 2005. Indeed, one of the few things Europeans and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan can agree

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Proposed Legislation Stokes New Crackdown as Emergency Rule Ending in Turkey

Source:Voice of America Date:18Jul2018

Despite the proposed new powers, analyst Atilla Yesilada of Global Source Partners suggests there remains a way for Erdogan to make a conciliatory gesture. “One way to keep the binding provisions

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