Erdogan to extend offensive to Manbij risking clash with US forces

Source:Middle East Eye Date:25Jan2018

While Ankara disputes this account of events, acording to White House, Trump warned Erdogan to stay away from Manbij. Where is Manbij?  Why is it important U.S. and how it could become the straw

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Turkey Wants to Crush U.S. Allies in Syria. That Shouldn’t Surprise Anybody.

Source:Foreign Policy Date:24Jan2018

A very balanced article on how mixed signals  from the White House  compelled Turkey to take military action in Syria.  Also shows the way forward.   Alos read the Guardian article  of how

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Syria regime capture key Idlib airbase

Source:The New Arab Date:22Jan2018

As Turkey reinserts itself into the Syrian game with the bold Operation Olive Branch in Afrin, next door Assad won a major victory by: The Syrian regime announced Sunday it had captured the vital

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Turkey plans assault on Kurdish enclave in Syria

Source:The Guardian Date:15Jan2018

Wow..As if we don’t have enough troubles at home or in the economy. Turkey’s president has said the country will launch a military assault on a Kurdish enclave in northern Syria “in the

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Turkish forces take fire in Idlib

Source:al Monitor Date:10Jan2018

The looming question is whether Russia will lean on Turkey for having failed to keep its side of the deal to move its troops out of the approximately 2,000 square kilometers (1,200 miles) of

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Turkey to conduct joint operation with Russia against Kurdish forces

Source:AMN Date:13Dec2017

Pro-AKP press claims Ankara agreed with Russia for Turkish Forces to move into Kurdish canton of Afrin.   “Threats for Turkey are coming from Afrin. We may enter this region without a

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With Daesh Defeated, Syrian Army Likely to Liberate Idlib and Damascus

Source:Sputnik News Date:07Dec2017

Sputnik reports that Assad intends to take back  Idlib Province, currently a de-escalation zone, as a compromise is likely to be reached with pro-PKK   PYD-YPG.  This plan preempts Ankara’s

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Turkey tightens siege on Afrin

Source:al Monitor Date:31Oct2017

As the sixth round of  Astana peace talks take start,  Ankara realizes it does not benefit from peace in Syria. After  its incursion in Idlip Province, military planners have now set eyes on

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First Turkish military convoy enters Syria’s Idlib

Source:Reuter's Date:13Oct2017

Thus, Turkey’s second adventure in Syria takes start. This one will take longer and cost more lives than Operation Euphrates Shield.   Pro-AKP press is quite open that the ultimate

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Turkey poised to enter Idlip, sets eyes on Afrin

Source:Daily SABAH Date:07Oct2017

Turkish forces are reported to be ready to enter Syrian rebel province of  Idlip as part of a multi-national peace-keeping force, but according to pro-AKP daily SABAH, Ankara intends to isolate

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