Turkey to deploy troops inside Syria’s Idlib: Erdogan

Source:Middle East Eye Date:22Sep2017

This was expected. Turkey’s second Syrian adventure is expected to begin within a few weeks, in the rebel held province of  Idlib.  Ankara  is also contemplating  sanctions on Iraqi Kurds

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Turkey deploys 80 military vehicles near Syrian border

Source:al Jazeera Date:19Sep2017

Turkey might venture into Syria a second time. Deployment comes after Russia, Turkey, and Iran agreed to send ‘de-escalation’ forces to Syria in the coming weeks.

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Kurds drive a wedge between US and Turkey

Source:Arab News Date:29Aug2017

There is no light at the end of the tunnel for the moment in Turkish-American divergence on the Kurdish policy. If Turkey could come up with an exit strategy in its Syrian policy and focus on the

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Turkey’s plan to strike Afrin

Source:Daily Sabah Date:21Aug2017

Turkey remains committed to strike Syria a second time: Turkey is committed to stability, de-escalation and confidence building in Idlib, at the same time, it has absolutely no intention of

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Spotlight: Turkey to launch military operation against Kurds in northern Syria

Source:XinhuaNet Date:22Jul2017

Action against Afrin is not imminent, but  a strong possibility in the future. Ankara is extremely disturbed by widening  PKK terror and Syrian Kurdish state-building exercises.

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Turkey and Russia bargain for Northern Syria’s future

Source:al Monitor Date:18Jul2017

A Turkish buildup inside Syria is meanwhile reportedly continuing amid widespread speculation over a deal supposedly being cooked up between Turkey and Russia. In sum, Russia is pressuring the

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Iran, Russia may hand over Afrin to Turkey ‘in exchange for concessions’

Source:Daily SABAH Date:11Jul2017

Ankara has been threatening to march on to Kurdish canton of Afrin, but as pro-government daily SABAH reports, receives no support from  other actors in the theatre. It may have to make

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Possibility of new Turkish intervention in Western Syria

Source:Reuter's Date:07Jul2017

Turkish  media already details  the plans of a military incursion into the Syrian-Kurdish canton of Afrin,  with the aid of some Kurdish tribes and Free Syrian Army brigades. A Turko-Russian

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Turkey, Kurds may be headed towards full-blown conflict in Afrin

Source:Rudaw Date:02Jul2017

Turkey’s military involvement in Syria is not done.  This summer may witness new incursions in Idlip and Kurdish Afrin, which would turn Syria into Turkey’s  Vietnam.

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Iraq’s Sinjar heats up again as PMU closes in

Source:al Monitor Date:26May2017

The moment of reckoning approaches for Turkey in Iraq and Syria, as PKK sets roots in Sincar, as clashes continue in Afrin. Trump and Erdogan agreed to disagree on the question of Syrian Kurds,

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