I Am Running for President in Turkey. From My Prison Cell.

Source:New York Times Date:21Jun2018

A must read for those who believe in democracy and fair play:  HDP leader Salahaddin Demirtas’ defense:   I am writing from a maximum-security prison in Edirne, a city in northwestern

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Turkey’s early elections: Dynamics and possible outcomes

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:26May2018

Deniz Zeyrek treats election results analytically, reaching  a startling conclusion: Still, there are two broad systemic conclusions that we can draw at this stage. First, the president and the

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The Woman Trying to Oust Erdogan Picks Up Steam

Source:Haaretz Date:28Apr2018

The title notwithstanding, this article is about the sentiment surrounding Turkey’s dual elections. It may be all about economics.  Aksener, 61, rejects reconciliation with the Kurds and

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Can Turkish opposition overcome nationalist stigma, ally with Kurds?

Source:Kurdistan24 Date:10Aug2017

While I’m not happy with the depth of the answer, this article addresses a vital question in Turkish politics: Can center-left CHP and pro-Kurdish HDP forge an alliance to combat AKP in the

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Turkey’s PKK Conflict Kills almost 3,000 in Two Years

Source:International Crisis Group Date:21Jul2017

International Crisis Group  just published an update on PKK terror in Turkey.  Its grim conclusions must be read carefully. The “Kurdish problem”, now encompassing Syria will not go

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