Will Turkey and Russia-brokered new cease-fire in Idlib hold?

Source:Arab News Date:12Jan2020

Navvar Saban, a military analyst at the Omran Center for Strategic Studies in Istanbul, said while the cease-fire may not be the first it may be the last chance for the region. “The cease-fire

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Russian Expert Avatkov: Putin’s Ice Cream For Erdogan, A Metaphor Of Russia-Turkey Relations

Source:MEMRI Date:14Sep2019

A must read article:  What Putin thinks of Erdogan and his demands for deepening cooperation   According to Avatkov, Erdogan’s visit best embodied the oriental metaphor for

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The View from Syria’s Peace Talks

Source:Foreign Policy in Focus Date:14Sep2019

A detailed review and assessment of chances of success for Astana Process:   The Syrian conflict remains massively complex. It combines a despotic, authoritarian regime, Islamic

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Erdoğan: I’ll let Syrian refugees leave Turkey for west unless safe zone set up

Source:the Guardian Date:06Sep2019

“We will be forced to open the gates. We cannot be forced to handle the burden alone,” said the Turkish president. Erdoğan’s threat immediately sent tremors through Greece where authorities have

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Damascus pounds militant bastion, ignoring Trump warning

Source:Channel News Asia Date:04Jun2019

More on Turkey’s Idlib conundrum: Bombardments by the Syrian regime killed six civilians in northwest Syria on Monday (Jun 3), hours after US President Donald Trump urged Damascus and its

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Are Russia and Turkey making deals or parting ways in Syria?

Source:al Jazeera Date:18May2019

A solid analysis of what is at stake in Idlib: By now it is clear that “trying to have it all” might not be the best strategy for Turkey to pursue. In the foreseeable future, it might

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Turkey is playing both Russia and US

Source:Gulf Today Date:06May2019

Michael Jansen, the author, a well-respected observer of Middle East affairs,  who has three books on the Arab-Israeli conflict, explains what is really going down in Idlib and how Turkey managed

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Assad Is Close to Victory But New Conflicts Are Bubbling Up in Syria

Source:Bloomberg Date:28Jan2019

The text belies the title. The Syrian War is not over. Assad is not winning.  This is what I wrote in my Weekly Report:   Turkey has not lost the war. It is now seen as a coveted asset by

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Hundreds of Turkey-backed rebels to leave areas to al-Qaida-linked militants in northern Syria

Source:Xinhua News Agency Date:11Jan2019

The HTS succeeded to capture the entire western countryside of Aleppo and expanded its operation to the countryside of Idlib and Hama last week. The developments cast doubts on the future of the

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Clashes between ‘radical’ fighters and rebels ‘leave 19 dead in western Aleppo’

Source:Middle East Eye Date:02Jan2019

Eyes on Idlib again:  Probably Ankara trying to deliver on its promise to  purge radical elements in the province   Clashes between “radical” fighters and rebels in northern

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