As US turns on Astana, Turkey looks east of the Euphrates

Source:Middle East Eye Date:09Dec2018

The Turkish government is holding separate talks on Syria with both the US and Russian governments amid concerns that it is losing diplomatic leverage as the security situation deteriorates in

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US envoy Jeffrey suggests ending Astana talks for Syria

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:05Dec2018

It is very clear that the Damascus regime, the Russians and Iranians want to see the ‘three Rs,’” Jeffrey said. “Refugees pushed back to Syria, reconstruction aid and the Bashar al-Assad regime

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From Manbij to Idlib: Turkey’s deal-making in Syria

Source:Ahval News Date:09Nov2018

Best analysis of the stage of affairs in North Syria:  the Turkish presence can’t be ignored   Ultimately, Hawez identifies Turkey as “a major player in influencing the outcome of the

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Leaders of Turkey, Syria, France and Germany hold Syria talks

Source:al Jazeera Date:28Oct2018

Not much progress in this summit, but Erdogan manages to involve Europeans, Idlib peace holds and agreement reached for all Syrians to return home safely.   Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr,

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Moscow, Ankara say Syria buffer going ahead despite missed deadline

Source:Yahoo News Date:17Oct2018

As I claimed all along–Russia doesn’t  want to lose Turkey, will not countenance Assad attack on Idlib   Neither Turkey nor Russia seemed fazed by the apparent breach of the plan

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Will Iran, Turkey jointly confront US influence east of the Euphrates?

Source:al Monitor Date:06Oct2018

As such, the latest phase of Iran’s policy in Syria is premised on Turkey’s shrinking choices in the north of the war-torn country. Ankara’s fears of mounting Kurdish power in SDF-held areas are

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Diverging policies could mar Russian-Turkish Syria alignment in long term – analysts

Source:Ahval News Date:05Oct2018

Turkey’s deal with Russia on Idlib, the last major territory in Syria held by the opposition, has brought the two countries together as the major international actors in the conflict, though

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Turkey and Russia agree on ‘demilitarized zone’ in Syria’s last rebel-held enclave

Source:Washington Post Date:19Sep2018

Very interesting analysis: But even as Turkey appeared to be boxed in, some analysts said that Erdogan had in fact been bolstered by support from Europe and the United States. Europe, which also

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Russia and Turkey to set up Idlib buffer zone to protect civilians

Source:The Guardian Date:18Sep2018

That is a major victory for Erdogan: The nine- to 12-mile (15-20km) zone running along the borders of the Idlib region will be safe from Syrian and Russian air force attack and will be in place

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Round One of Idlib Campaign May Target Turkish-Backed Rebels

Source:Washington Institute Date:12Sep2018

Excellent review of balance of forces in Idlib and assad strategy.   If and when a second round is launched against HTS in northern Idlib, it could be a different order of magnitude. Moscow,

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