Idlib possibly Syria’s next target, security risks ahead for Turkey

Source:Xinhua Agency Date:21Jul2018

Syrian War escalates security threats for Turkey: Even if Turkey manages to get the rebels to hand over Idlib to the Syrian army and withdraw to areas under Turkish control in Syria, Turkey would

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Foreign policy challenges remain acute for Turkey’s Erdogan

Source:Ahval News Date:13Jul2018

As Turkey moves past last month’s election, the foreign policy challenges remain acute, particularly in Syria, and there is a looming confrontation with the United States over sanctions on Iran

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Turkey’s de-escalation efforts around Idlib come with risks

Source:al Monitor Date:22May2018

Although the media haven’t said much about these observation posts, it is possible to say that they actually constitute a cross-border operation with even more ambiguities than

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Idlib, a Syrian ‘death trap’ now under Turkish control

Source:Middle East Eye Date:03May2018

Since October, Turkey has set up six observation points around the province – but residents say in fact Ankara’s imprint on the area is much more substantial. “Things are on their way

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Senior Iranian official hopes US forces will be driven from Syria

Source:Channel news Asia Date:14Apr2018

Ali Akbar Velayati, top adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, also said he hoped the city of Idlib in northwestern Syria would be recaptured from rebels very soon as he hailed

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Russia sees benefit of nudging Turkey on to Manbij in Syria

Source:al Monitor Date:11Apr2018

Military affairs analyst Mr Metin Gurcan: I believe Moscow has indirectly encouraged Ankara to advance toward Manbij by influencing Turkey’s strategic decision-making process. Northern Syria is

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No Exit: Turkey’s unexpected empire in Syria

Source:Ahval News Date:06Mar2018

There are signs the Turkish government understands that it has saddled itself with responsibility for the more than 2.5 million inhabitants of Idlib, Afrin and northern Aleppo. After initially

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Turkish efforts in Afrin, Idlib will allow Syrians to return home

Source:Daily Sabah Date:09Feb2018

A very critical speech by Erdogan, which found insufficient coverage:   “What is behind the Afrin operation? We will solve the Afrin issue, the Idlib issue and we want that our refugee

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Syria peace deal threatened as Iran and Turkey clash in Idlib

Source:Arab News Date:07Feb2018

In a very alarming development, Arab news sources  report that Turkish  military and pro-regime forces or militia are exchanging  artillery fire in the south of deconfliction  zone Idlib. Rouhani

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Syria regime capture key Idlib airbase

Source:The New Arab Date:22Jan2018

As Turkey reinserts itself into the Syrian game with the bold Operation Olive Branch in Afrin, next door Assad won a major victory by: The Syrian regime announced Sunday it had captured the vital

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