Turkey’s message to Tehran and Moscow

Source:The Jordan Times Date:12Jan2018

Russia, Iran and Turkey are supposed to be the guarantors of last year’s accord but Moscow and Tehran appear bent on reneging on their role to de-escalate fighting in the area, home to

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Turkish forces take fire in Idlib

Source:al Monitor Date:10Jan2018

The looming question is whether Russia will lean on Turkey for having failed to keep its side of the deal to move its troops out of the approximately 2,000 square kilometers (1,200 miles) of

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Heavy fighting as Syrian forces enter rebel-held Idlib province

Source:The National Date:30Dec2017

Ankara can’t cleanse Idlib of pro-el Qaeda militants, which gives Assad cover to attack the rebel-held province.  Soon Turkish  and Syrian militaries might face each other.

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With Daesh Defeated, Syrian Army Likely to Liberate Idlib and Damascus

Source:Sputnik News Date:07Dec2017

Sputnik reports that Assad intends to take back  Idlib Province, currently a de-escalation zone, as a compromise is likely to be reached with pro-PKK   PYD-YPG.  This plan preempts Ankara’s

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The shifting red sands of Idlib

Source:TRT World Date:18Nov2017

A new government in Idlib tries to forge local alliances – amid the lingering danger of Russian bombing – to govern a whopping four million Syrians, the majority of whom are internally displaced.

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Turkey tightens siege on Afrin

Source:al Monitor Date:31Oct2017

As the sixth round of  Astana peace talks take start,  Ankara realizes it does not benefit from peace in Syria. After  its incursion in Idlip Province, military planners have now set eyes on

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Hostility Toward Militants Grows in Idlib as Turkey Deploys Troops

Source:Syria Deeply Date:24Oct2017

Residents of Syria’s Idlib province have welcomed Turkey’s latest cross-border campaign and many say they would side against HTS militants if a confrontation were to occur.

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‘Turkey Shield’ to purge region of terrorist organizations

Source:Yeni Safak Date:20Oct2017

Yeni Safak, a pro-AKP daily details Turkish Military’s plans to stop PKK and PYD-YPG  in Iraq and Syria. It promises heavy clashes and years of involvement in the Southern neighbors.

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Turkey starts to deploy troops to northern Syrian province

Source:Financial Times Date:23Sep2017

Spoiler alert:  FT claims Turkish Forces began   moving into Syrian province of Idlib.

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Turkey to deploy troops inside Syria’s Idlib: Erdogan

Source:Middle East Eye Date:22Sep2017

This was expected. Turkey’s second Syrian adventure is expected to begin within a few weeks, in the rebel held province of  Idlib.  Ankara  is also contemplating  sanctions on Iraqi Kurds

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