Turkey Is Lying About Fighting ISIS

Source:Foreign Policy Date:30Dec2018

The turnaround in U.S.-Turkey relations has been stunning in its speed and tone. The analysts, bureaucrats, and diplomats in Washington who have argued that the United States must save the

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As Trump vows to leave Syria, Kurds fear a power grab by Iran and Russia

Source:Yahoo News Date:23Dec2018

Trump’s poisoned Christmas gift to Erdogan increases the plight of Iraqi Kurds: Officials in Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s Kurdish region, are now struggling to prepare for the consequences

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Erdogan slams French intellectuals: You’re no different than ISIL

Source:Al Jazeera Date:09May2018

Remarks come after open letter signed by 300 prominent French people called for removal of some verses from the Quran.

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How to tackle the biggest obstacle to finishing the war with the Islamic State

Source:Washington Post Date:02Apr2018

Could Turkey-US disagreement over Syria end soon? D Ignatius of WP answers  a grudging YES:   The U.S. goal is “getting to yes” with Erdogan, says a senior administration official. To that

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The Iraq Report: Turkey threatens to invade Iraq

Source:The New Arab Date:31Mar2018

This report explains Turkey-Baghdat relations,  PKK’s recent moves, Iraiq Kurds and the War on ISIS.  Very good background and analysis:   Although Turkish-Iraqi relations have

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EU-Turkey Relations Confined to Core Priorities

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:26Nov2017

Marc Pierini consistently  predicted the future of EU-Turkey relations with great accuracy. This article claims updating the Customs Union won’t be easy, but cooperation against ISIS and

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Russia Charts a Course for Syria’s Future

Source:WSJ Date:21Nov2017

Contrary to the title, Russia has no story book for post-ISIS settlement in Syria: The clear outlines of a definitive political settlement remain elusive, particularly over the future of Mr.

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Raqqa is free as ISIS loses steam, but hold off on the victory dance

Source:The Hill Date:21Oct2017

Poignant finale:  As the Arab Spring unfolded, this rising Islamic State struck a vivid contrast to the rapid collapse of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, an intoxicating counterpoint to failed

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SDF captures Syria’s Raqqa city from ISIL

Source:al Jazeera Date:17Oct2017

Destroyed and depopulated, Raqqa also faces an uncertain political future. The US and SDF have pledged to hand over the city to civilian rule, but the shape and political make-up of this civilian

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Fight to drive IS from Syria bastion Raqa nears end

Source:Yahoo! Date:10Oct2017

US-backed fighters say they are nearing the “final week” of their assault to drive the Islamic State group from its one-time Syrian bastion Raqa, as the jihadists’

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