Turkey starts to deploy troops to northern Syrian province

Source:Financial Times Date:23Sep2017

Spoiler alert:  FT claims Turkish Forces began   moving into Syrian province of Idlib.

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Daesh exodus threatens Turkey and the region

Source:Arab News Date:16Sep2017

As Daesh loses territory in Syria and Iraq, the exodus of its militants and their families is expected to continue, posing serious challenges to Turkey and other countries in the region.

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Islamic State loses more ground in Raqqa, Deir Ezzor

Source:Long War Journal Date:07Sep2017

The US-backed coalition has slowly pushed its way through the city of Raqqa, which was the Islamic State’s first capital. Meanwhile, the Syrian regime and its allies are attempting to retake the

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US, Iraq sanction Mosul finance emir believed to be in Turkey

Source:Rudaw Date:05Sep2017

It (US Treasury) added: “As of mid-2016, he was responsible for selling crude oil that ISIS extracted from oil fields in Iraq and Syria.  As of early 2017, Mansur was an ISIS finance emir for

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Source:Newsweek Date:26Aug2017

Despite SDF’s intel prowess and numerous agents, it is unable to break through the front lines. The SDF admits facing daring attacks and surprise maneuvers from ISIS. Additionally, vast fields of

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Iraq war: Why the battle for Tal Afar matters

Source:BBC news Date:26Aug2017

This is an important analysis which sheds light on the explosion of violence that is likely to take place once ISIS is pushed out of Iraq.  The vacuum needs to be filled, but by whom and how?

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Gulen is facing extradition by Trump – so he should read up about his country

Source:The Independent Date:13Jul2017

This book review by Robert Fisk explains the fascinating juxtaposition of Fethullah Gulen, ISIS and PKK in Turkey. A must read for those who want to understand why AKP has so badly failed  the

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What Comes After ISIS?

Source:Yahoo! Date:11Jul2017

The answer to this question is vital to Turkey, which is facing existential threats to  her unity and stability from regional actors like Assad, PYD-YPG and Shia militia. The experts don’t

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Turkey Escalates Crackdown on Islamic State

Source:Voice of America Date:30May2017

That’s  welcome news, but  sleeper cells and jihadi actives go untouched.

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Flynn’s Turkey Connection Is the Case Worth Pursuing

Source:Bloomberg Date:19May2017

This a bombshell opinion piece.  Could Turkey bring  about the downfall of Trump?  Wow?

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