Deciphering Russia’s delivery of Tell Rifaat to Turkey
Source:al Monitor Date:31Mar2018
Excellent article by military affairs analyst Mr Metin Gurcan explores the Russia-Turkey relationship in Syria. Russia is likely to take the Turkish side against PYD-YPG to undermine US plans
Donald Trump says US will withdraw from Syria ‘very soon’
Source:The Independent Date:30Mar2018
This might be the news item, which cut the dollar/TL rally short. Today’s Manbij related talks between Undersecretaries are critical. Mr Trump boasted at a rally in Ohio, the main
Impact of Tillerson’s ouster on Turkish-U.S. relations
Source:Ahval News Date:17Mar2018
This is by far the best analysis of how Pompeo’s appointment to Foggy Bottom will impact the Turko-American relationship. Spoiler alert: Negatives outweigh positives. Regarding
Erdogan menaces Afrin as YPG digs in
Source:al Monitor Date:13Mar2018
Amberin Zaman writes about Afrin, but answers a more important question: Have US and Turkey reached a deal on the fate Afrin?
U.S. moving to repair relations with Turkey, endangering ties with Kurdish allies
Source:Washington Post Date:11Mar2018
Officials gave no timeline for moving the Kurds from Manbij to positions east of the Euphrates, 20 miles away, and did not indicate how the relocation would be accomplished. The officials said
Turkey’s Erdogan says Syria’s Afrin town under siege, entry imminent
Source:Yahoo! Date:10Mar2018
On Thursday, Turkish forces and their Free Syrian Army (FSA) allies seized control of the nearby town of Jinderes, state media reported. Turkey now controls five out of seven of the settlements
In the small city of Manbij in Syria, we could see US and Turkish troops shooting at each other if tensions continue
Source:The Independent Date:02Mar2018
The development of a de facto Kurdish state enraged the Turks and the government in Damascus. To hold onto at least part of their gains, the Kurds need continuing US support, though Isis is
Turkey, US and Germany: Hopes of better relations are premature
Source:PA Intelligence Date:17Feb2018
Turkish Lira appreciated strongly against the dollar and Euro on Friday, as American Secretary of State Rex Tillerson promised cooperation in Syria with Turkey, while a court released
Risk of Conflict in Northern Syria Between U.S., Turkey Rising
Source:Bloomberg Date:03Feb2018
The current standoff is probably the most serious. Relations are “teetering on the brink of a precipice,” and direct military conflict is a real possibility, according to Anthony Skinner, a
Turkey’s Afrin Offensive can pitch Ankara against both Washington and Moscow
Source:Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis Date:25Jan2018
According to some Turkish analysts, the planned offensive is linked to domestic politics as the AKP is approaching a crucial election year. Many feel that Erdoğan is preparing to call for early