Domestic politics, Idlib sway timing of Turkey’s Syrian operation
Source:al Monitor Date:13Oct2019
Across Turkey and in big cities in particular, most of the Syrian refugees live in close proximity to AKP voters, either in the same neighborhoods or adjoining ones. Under the impact of the
Opposition in Turkey
Source:International Policy Digest Date:21Jul2019
The municipal elections on March 31st at the national level and the re-run elections on June 23rd in Istanbul showed that there is a strong and vibrant opposition in Turkey. The opposition wins
Internal divisions in Turkey deepen: Lessons from the recent local elections
Source:London School of Economics blog Date:29Apr2019
An article that emphasizes the ambiguity of the lesson to be drawn from municipal elections. Accident or the beginning of the end? Overall, the local elections of 31 March took place in
The Guardian view on Turkey and Erdoğan: a weakened strongman
Source:The Guardian Date:08Apr2019
But whatever happens next, there is no doubt about the blow dealt to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the country’s authoritarian president, after 16 years at the helm. He has asserted the legitimacy of his
Erdogan fights to hold Turkey’s cities in bitter election battle
Source:Reuters Date:30Mar2019
An in-depth study by Reuters about the importance of local electiosn for Erdogan and whether he canb retain his popularity with th voter. Economy turns out to be his biggest enemy.
Top pollster expects balance to shift in Turkey local elections
Source:Ahval News Date:27Mar2019
The balances in the Turkish electorate could change in the local elections this Sunday, the head of respected Turkish polling firm KONDA told independent Turkish media outlet Medyascope on
Postcards from Turkey’s election
Two articles, one from the Independent, the other from the Atlantic explain the surreal campaign and rising poverty in Turkey at the eve of a municipal election the AKP-MHP alliance turned into a
As Key Vote Nears in Turkey, Unemployment Adds to Erdogan’s Woes
Source:Voice of America Date:16Mar2019
According to official Turkish figures, during the campaign, the state broadcaster TRT, devoted 53 hours to the ruling AKP in contrast to seven hours for other parties. The pro-Kurdish HDP,
How Turkey’s local elections became ‘matter of national survival’
Source:al Monitor Date:14Mar2019
A good read to understand AKP-MHP spin on local elections. Also contains precious poll data. Both Erdogan and his alliance partner Devlet Bahceli say the local elections are a ‘matter of
Turkey’s so-called survival problem
Source:Ahval News Date:06Mar2019
This is important, because AKP-MHP portray the election as “existential”, rather than focusing on the economy. A former AKP deputy explains what that means Turks will elect