Turkey sanctions face possible wall in GOP Senate

Source:The Hill Date:21Oct2019

An embarrassment of riches:  Turkey’s saving grace may be too many sanctions bills competing with each other.  However, nothing in the article verifes the title. Strange!   McConnell,

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Germany’s Maas says Turkey ‘invasion’ illegitimate under international law

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:21Oct2019

Germany fires warning shot across the bow:   German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has described Turkey’s offensive against Syrian Kurds as an “invasion” and said Berlin saw

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Pence and Erdoğan agree on ceasefire plan but Kurds reject ‘occupation’

Source:The Guardian Date:18Oct2019

The arrangement, however, appeared to be a significant US embrace of Turkey’s position in the weeklong conflict, and did not publicly define the safe zone’s borders. General Mazloum Kobane of the

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Dangerous scramble on horizon for key Syrian city of Manbij

Source:The Independent Date:15Oct2019

New twist in Operation Peace Spring:  Turkish and Damascus forces moving dangerously close!   Video distributed online appeared to show scenes of Syrian regime forces on the move, heading

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The Observer view on Syria: a new horror foretold which shames us all

Source:The Observer Date:13Oct2019

An old horror rears its ugly head:   The fate of detained Isis fighters, totalling about 10,000 across northern Syria and Iraq, is an issue to which Erdoğan, too, has plainly not given

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Domestic politics, Idlib sway timing of Turkey’s Syrian operation

Source:al Monitor Date:13Oct2019

Across Turkey and in big cities in particular, most of the Syrian refugees live in close proximity to AKP voters, either in the same neighborhoods or adjoining ones. Under the impact of the

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Lindsey Graham is leading a Senate bill to punish Turkey with crushing sanctions

Source:Vox Date:11Oct2019

The bill introduced on Wednesday, then, aims to compel Turkey to end its airstrikes and ground invasion. Graham’s spokesperson Kevin Bishop told me he’s unsure if there will be other similar

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Turkey military operation much larger than anticipated: Analysts

Source:al Jazeera Date:11Oct2019

Despite the title, this is not a pro-Turkish propaganda piece.  It is balanced account of the event at the theatre and potential developments.   Even if Turkey is successful in securing its

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