Reality is warped in Turkey. We may never get it back
Source:The Guardian Date:22Jul2017
All I can say about this op-ed by Ms Ece Temelkuran is “exactly my opinion”. The machine is broken and it may never be repaired.
Germany says EU aid to Turkey could be halted over arrests
Source:Reuters Date:19Jul2017
For anyone who expected improvement in Turko-EU relations, the dream is over. In fact, continued arrests of human rights activists could trigger a new Syrian refugee crisis. How? Read on.
Heads UP: AKP to start crackdown against CHP
Source:Daily SABAH Date:18Jul2017
This article in SABAH Daily, a pro-AKP newspaper accuses CHP leader Kilicdaroglu of being a Gulenist sympathizer and attempting to bring Erdogan “down”. There are numerous
‘Justice March’ spawns unique coalition in Turkey
Source:al Monitor Date:15Jul2017
Opposition leader K. Kilicdaroglu’s “justice march” certainly galvanized the anti-Erdogan front, but can he maintain the energy until the next elections? This article
Turkey’s ‘Iron Lady’ Meral Aksener Is Getting Ready to Challenge Erdogan
Source:TIME Date:15Jul2017
For a long time I’ve been looking for a good background and analysis on MHP dissident Mrs Aksener who is forming her own party. At least among her followers and the center-right, there is
Gulen is facing extradition by Trump – so he should read up about his country
Source:The Independent Date:13Jul2017
This book review by Robert Fisk explains the fascinating juxtaposition of Fethullah Gulen, ISIS and PKK in Turkey. A must read for those who want to understand why AKP has so badly failed the
A Long March for Justice in Turkey
Source:New York Times Date:08Jul2017
CHP leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu lists his demands for a democratic and free Turkey.
Insights into Turkish Domestic and International Politics
Source:STRATFOR Date:07Jul2017
A detailed summary of main political and economic issues about Turkey by STRATFOR. A must read for Turkey beginners.
Turkish opposition’s long march against Erdoğan
Source:Politico Date:07Jul2017
It is too early too say whether CHP leader Mr Kemal Kilicdaroglu’s long march would his party any votes, but he certainly captured the imagination of the nation, as well as improving the
On the Road With Protesters Marching Across Turkey to Condemn Erdogan’s Purge
Source:New York Times Date:03Jul2017
Foreign press usually dismisses main opposition party CHP as ineffectual and impotent. Chairman Kilicdaroglu’s justice march is finally getting some positive comments. It remains to be