Turkey’s message to Tehran and Moscow

Source:The Jordan Times Date:12Jan2018

Russia, Iran and Turkey are supposed to be the guarantors of last year’s accord but Moscow and Tehran appear bent on reneging on their role to de-escalate fighting in the area, home to

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Turkey’s foreign policy challenges in 2018

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:19Dec2017

The former ambassador writes:  All these make Turkey an important catalyzer between Europe and the Middle East. Turkey has been unable to perform in compliance with such expectations in 2017. Let

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Turkey squeezed between American hammer, Russian anvil on Syrian stage

Source:al Monitor Date:01Dec2017

The foremost Turkish  expert on  Middle East claims President Erdogan is hostage to a coalition of “Euroasian-ists”. What does he mean?  Definitely worth a read.

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Turkey’s foreign policy delusions

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:21Nov2017

“Lone wolf” columnist Ms Nuray Mert hits the bulls eye with this brief but very to-the-point  commentary on AKP’s diplomatic delusions.  “The more Turkish foreign policy

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Russia Charts a Course for Syria’s Future

Source:WSJ Date:21Nov2017

Contrary to the title, Russia has no story book for post-ISIS settlement in Syria: The clear outlines of a definitive political settlement remain elusive, particularly over the future of Mr.

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S-400 Dispute Highlights Ongoing Difficulties in Turkey’s Rapprochement With Russia

Source:The Jamestown Foundation Date:07Nov2017

Many experts argue that Turkey is turning its face away from the west.  This is certainly the intention, but  alternatives prove hard to find.  An imagined Sunni Arab-Turkish  alliance  fractured

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Turkey’s Incursion Into Syria: Making Things Better or Worse?

Source:Council on Foreign Relations Date:04Oct2017

Famous Middle East expert Steven A. Cook explores why Turkey is about to move into the chaotic   Syrian  rebel province of Idlip and the consequences of  its failure to pacify it. Best article on

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Cardin: Turkey’s Purchase of Russian missile system may trigger sanctions

Source:Politico Date:15Sep2017

Turkey’s recent purchase of an advanced Russian anti-air weapons system may have violated a U.S. law that would require an automatic imposition of sanctions on the NATO member, a top Democratic

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Can Russia And Turkey Bury Their Differences?

Source:OilPrice Date:13Aug2017

Since the 19th century, Turkey has balanced Russian power through active Western military support. Now, however, the country, and its leader, seems to view the West as a threat as well. If this

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Turkey’s S-400 Dilemma

Source:EDAM Date:02Aug2017

Excellent research by EDAM think tank on  the operational capacity, shortcomings and politics of S-400 anti-missile systems Turkey intends to buy from Russia.

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