Turkey seeks to cut PKK’s Syria-Iraq link before hitting east of Syria

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:16Dec2018

Turkey in Syria:  Has it already started   Turkish sources informed (me) that the objective of this attack was to cut the logistic lines of the PKK/YPG from northern Iraq to northern Syria

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Turkey court upholds conviction of prominent jailed Kurdish leader

Source:Euractiv Date:06Dec2018

The decision, which was announced on Twitter by his lawyer Mahsuni Karaman, follows a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on 20 November that called on Turkey to release Demirtaş.

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At tense Ankara news conference, EU rebukes Turkey over detentions

Source:Reuters Date:23Nov2018

Better relations with EU trip over human rights: The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled on Tuesday that Turkey should swiftly process the legal case of Demirtas, former head of the

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EU calls on Turkey to release 13 people arrested for links to Gezi Park protests

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:17Nov2018

Kavala, Anatolia Culture Association’s chairman, was arrested more than a year ago but has not yet been charged with any crime. He is accused of working with foreigners in a 2016 failed

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What’s behind Europe’s outreach to Erdogan?

Source:al Monitor Date:11Nov2018

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with his abrasive manners and undiplomatic approach to international affairs, is not an easy leader for the West to deal with. Love him or not, however,

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Did Turkey’s Erdoğan return from Berlin empty-handed?

Source:Ahval News Date:07Oct2018

Written by Ali Yurttagül was an adviser for the Green/EFA European Parliamentary Group from 1985 to 2014. A member of the German Greens, he is an expert in domestic policy, justice, and human

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Helping Turkey Find Its Way Back to the West

Source:Bloomberg Date:05Oct2018

Eminently sensible policy suggestions from a retired general: Losing Turkey from the trans-Atlantic world would be a geopolitical mistake of near epic proportions. Yet the U.S. and its European

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Turkey needs the EU; the question is how much its relationship will cost

Source:Euronews Date:08Sep2018

The key challenge for Turkey is not the form of its relationship with the EU, but the fact that it crucially needs EU markets, funds, and investment to prosper. This in turn requires the rule of

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Turkey must free prisoners to mend ties with EU, Germany says

Source:Reuters Date:01Sep2018

Turkey cannot revive its strained relationship with the European Union until it frees German citizens it has detained, Germany’s foreign minister said on Friday as his Turkish counterpart called

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Turkey might not like the West, but needs it

Source:Brookings Papers Date:31Aug2018

Bravo to Mr Metin  Kirisci:   For Turkey, the stark reality is that to get out of its economic rut, it must cooperate with the EU. The EU buys more than half of Turkey exports and owns more

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