What is left of Turkish-EU relations?

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:28Aug2018

It is all transactional, says Ms Barcin Inanc of Hurriyet Daily News   Currently, the Turkish leadership seems set to improve its bilateral ties with member countries and increase

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A Turkish headache for the West

Source:BBC news Date:26Aug2018

Just much trouble is Turkey worth? So in the short-term, relations between the EU and Turkey may improve as its relationship with Washington becomes more strained. But in the longer term,

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Ankara frees Amnesty International chair

Source:Al Monitor Date:16Aug2018

A top Turkish human rights activist was freed today after spending over a year in prison, spurring cautious hope that Turkey’s financial woes sharpened by a row with the United States may force

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Can Europe save Turkey from sliding into authoritarianism?

Source:Open Democracy Date:15Jun2018

The EU’s ability to pressure Turkey on democratization and human rights has been arrested on multiple fronts. As long as the humanitarian crisis in Syria continues, the EU will be less willing to

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Three Scenarios for Turkey’s Elections

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:07Jun2018

Overall, from a foreign observer’s standpoint, Turkey’s forthcoming elections may be biased in favor of the ruling parties. But for the first time in a long while, opposition parties have a shot

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Hahn: Carrot for Albania and Macedonia, customs union for Turkey

Source:EURACTIV Date:21Apr2018

It is now up to the leaders of Turkey to clarify in which direction they want to go. They always emphasise that they are still interested in full membership – but for this, accession criteria

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Turkey to get worst EU scorecard so far, officials say

Source:Reuters Date:15Apr2018

Turkey will on Tuesday receive the European Commission’s most critical report since it launched its bid to join the European Union over a decade ago, with Brussels warning that years of progress

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Calling time on European-Turkish strategic relations

Source:EUobserver Date:04Apr2018

At the Varna Summit, Erdogan told Europe to stop “rambling” on about human rights. So, if Europe’s relations with Turkey are not about shared values and are not of a strategic

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U.S. Military Alliance in Syria Could Fall Apart as Turkey Fights Its Own War on ‘Terror’

Source:Newsweek Date:31Mar2018

Turkey’s relationship with EU and USA increasingly pivots on Syria.   Amid Kurdish and French reports that France would send troops to the Kurd-controlled city of Manbij, where the

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A difficult encounter: EU-Turkey summit in Bulgaria

Source:Daily Sabah Date:21Mar2018

On the other hand, the customs union, the bedrock of our relations, needs desperately to be revised to function properly, especially regarding free trade agreements with third countries. In such

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