What to expect from the upcoming Turkey-EU meet

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:16Mar2018

Veteran Ankara correspondant Murat Yetkin writes:  Indications show a probable scenario would entail starting negotiations for upgrading the existing Customs Union agreement between Turkey and

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EU funding for Turkey fails to cut corruption or bolster judiciary

Source:Financial Times Date:14Mar2018

EU approved additional funding for Syrian refugees, but  new money-related problems with Turkey are on the horizon: The decade-old effort to improve Turkey’s governance and prepare it to join the

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Too early to bet on improved EU-Turkey relations


Rumors of a visa waiver for Turks traveling EU was shot down by the head of the European Union Delegation to Turkey, Christian Berger, who stated that the issue of granting visa-free travel to

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Turkey’s Erdogan says country should make adultery illegal and listening to EU on matter was a ‘mistake’

Source:The Independent Date:27Feb2018

Could  this legislation be the new flash point between EU and Turkey?   President says he regrets abandoning proposal to criminalise cheating on a spouse. In 1996, the country’s

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How Europe Lost Turkey

Source:Wall Street Journal Date:14Feb2018

The title says it all. EU was instrumental  in Erdogan’s unabashed power grab, and now  it is trying to appease him.   European leaders won’t alienate him anytime soon. German

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EU warns Turkey over Cyprus ship incident

Source:Euractiv Date:13Feb2018

For those who naively believe Turkey-EU relations can improve, or visa requirement can be  waived. Greeks have seen to that.   The European Union on Monday (13 February) called on Turkey to

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How to reset Turkey-Europe Relations

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:05Oct2017

This op-ed by presidential advisor and spokesperson Mr. Ibrahim Kalin on how to reset EU-Turkey relations is sufficient proof that the rest will never happen, because Turkey fails to see the 

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Angela Merkel backs end to EU-Turkey membership talks

Source:cbcnews Date:04Sep2017

This is truly a bombshell. I don’t know if she could find the votes, but the attempt could cause some damage to markets, bank loans and  FDI.

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Views from the capitals: What to do about Turkey?

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:23May2017

This is a definitive survey of what EU capitols think about Erdogan and the future of Turkey-EU relationship. The good news is that unilateral suspension of accession is not in the cards. The bad

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Turkey’s Erdogan vows fight against enemies as returns to lead party

Source:Reuter's Date:23May2017

Erdogan finally returned to the helm of his beloved AKP, but his acceptance speech feel short of expectations. He was expected to outline major democratic and economic reforms. Instead he

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