Turkey’s accelerated drift from Europe

Source:EU Observer Date:10May2017

The mutual scream fest between Turkey and EU has stopped. Bilateral visits are increasing, raising hopes of a normalization.  But, is normalization really possible? What does it actually mean in

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Turkey, EU step up diplomacy after nosedive in relations

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:09May2017

This is potentially one of the most important developments of the week. Turkey and EU are being cordial to another.  It appears that in return for sticking to Refugee Readmission Treaty and

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Rethinking Europe’s relationship with Turkey

Source:EUobserver Date:29Apr2017

Thanks to Germany, Turkey’s accession to EU was kept alive—but on life support. It appears that there is support for engaging Turkey despite Nazi accusations, but also the search for a new model

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France, Germany Want New Turkey Ties but Dodge EU Membership

Source:US News and World Report Date:28Apr2017

The spirit of Turkish accession is dead, but the illusion lives on.  Foreign Ministers left it up to Turkey to decide what it wants to do with EU. There was no sign that a visa waiver will be

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Brussels pressed to rethink Turkey ties

Source:Financial Times Date:24Apr2017

We now hear from a multitude of sources that EU is contemplating to freeze accession. What will happen afterwards? This article explores the view of Expansion Commissioner Mr. Johannes Hahn who

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Despite referendum win, challenges still ahead for Erdogan

Source:XinhuaNet Date:22Apr2017

This is an excellent analysis of Erdogan’s policy dilemmas and potential choices post-referendum.

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Turkey trawled four continents for data on Erdogan foes

Source:thestar Date:01Apr2017

Alleged Turkish spy network could add to EU-Turkey tensions: It is still not clear whether Erdogan’s attack on EU countries is a propaganda tool to win the presidential referendum, or he truly

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