German politicians urge Turkey to release embassy lawyer

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:23Nov2019

Another “political hostage” situation.  By the way, where is Deniz Yucel?   A “provocation” from Ankara and a “foreign policy scandal:” German politicians

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Germany’s Horst Seehofer warns of ‘refugee wave’ bigger than in 2015

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:07Oct2019

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has called on the EU to do more to support Turkey and avoid another refugee crisis. If nothing is done, he said, the crisis may become “even greater

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Turkey becoming minefield for foreign journalists

Source:al Monitor Date:09Mar2019

This article is worth reading, because it also explains  why Turkey’s efforts to improve with Germany and EU at large are at an impasse.   Why is the government turning Turkey into a

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Is Turko-German spring illusive?

Source:al Monitor Date:04Nov2018

Mortan noted that foreigners have fears over “the security of earnings” in Turkey. “The plan to nationalize 21% of Isbank shares alone is enough to scare them. There is no guarantee this would

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Did Turkey’s Erdoğan return from Berlin empty-handed?

Source:Ahval News Date:07Oct2018

Written by Ali Yurttagül was an adviser for the Green/EFA European Parliamentary Group from 1985 to 2014. A member of the German Greens, he is an expert in domestic policy, justice, and human

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German politicians wary of pending Erdogan state visit

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:31Jul2018

The prospect of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan being received with military honors in Berlin has some German politicians up in arms. Others view the possible visit as an opportunity to

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Too early to bet on improved EU-Turkey relations


Rumors of a visa waiver for Turks traveling EU was shot down by the head of the European Union Delegation to Turkey, Christian Berger, who stated that the issue of granting visa-free travel to

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Turkey, US and Germany: Hopes of better relations are premature

Source:PA Intelligence Date:17Feb2018

Turkish Lira appreciated strongly against the dollar and Euro on Friday, as American Secretary of State Rex Tillerson promised cooperation in Syria with Turkey, while a court released

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