Diverging policies could mar Russian-Turkish Syria alignment in long term – analysts

Source:Ahval News Date:05Oct2018

Turkey’s deal with Russia on Idlib, the last major territory in Syria held by the opposition, has brought the two countries together as the major international actors in the conflict, though

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What Russia and Turkey Really Want in Syria

Source:Haaretz Date:26Sep2018

The two countries, with Turkey, the U.S. and Iran in the mix, have carefully tip-toed around one another for years in order to avoid this very situation. But, as the war winds down each of the

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Russia and Turkey to set up Idlib buffer zone to protect civilians

Source:The Guardian Date:18Sep2018

That is a major victory for Erdogan: The nine- to 12-mile (15-20km) zone running along the borders of the Idlib region will be safe from Syrian and Russian air force attack and will be in place

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Could A Coalition of the “Friends of Turkey” Ride to Turkey’s Financial Rescue?

Source:Council on Foreign Relations Date:14Sep2018

Brad Setser tries to answer the most important question vexing Turkey’s lenders. Can “Turkey’s friends, i.e. Russia, Qatar, China, etc, bail out the country, in case foreign

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Turkish-Russian ‘strategic ties’ fail stress test on Syria’s Idlib

Source:al Monitor Date:12Sep2018

Very interesting:  Pro-AKP press rebelling against the Turko-Russian alliance:   Although Erdogan and Cavusoglu are reluctant to accuse Russia directly, preferring to do this by blasting the

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Turkey Masses Troops on Syrian Border, Braces for Refugees

Source:Bloomberg Date:10Sep2018

Russia is trying to secure a green light from Erdogan because it understands that staging an assault on Idlib in the face of Turkish opposition risks pitting Russia and Iran against the U.S. and

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The Myth of Erdogan’s Power

Source:Foreign Policy Date:01Sep2018

Note the key take-away:  Key figures among Ankara’s elite, on whom Erdogan depends to exercise power, represent a political tradition that is deeply hostile to Moscow. These right-wing Turkish

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Erdogan Makes Some Worrying Friends

Source:Bloomberg Date:14Aug2018

It’s hard to see how Erdogan can squeeze much more from Moscow trade, given Russia’s own economic constraints. He has spoken of using national currencies rather than the dollar in Turkey’s

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Syria’s Idlib emerges as Achilles heel in Russia-Turkey partnership

Source:al Monitor Date:31Jul2018

Best analysis of why at this juncture Turkey’s threat of  a deeper alliance with Russia against American  sanctions is not credible.   There are indications that the Syrian army will

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How US-Turkey deal in Manbij could affect Russia’s influence

Source:al Monitor Date:24Jun2018

After seeing the Turkish military patrolling under the cover of US helicopters, the very first question to be asked was, since there’s no credible evidence of an Islamic State (IS) presence

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