Turkey Slams U.S. Iran Sanctions Case As ‘Legal Scandal’

Source:Radio Free Europe Date:07Apr2018

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman has condemned a recommendation by U.S. prosecutors that a Turkish Halkbank executive get 20 years in prison for helping Iran evade U.S.

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Turkey baffled by Trump’s pledge to exit Syria as Macron vows to step in

Source:al Monitor Date:04Apr2018

Ankara’s enthusiasm, however, was dampened with reports from Paris that a group from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had been received at the Elysee Palace in Paris. The fact that this meeting

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US spending bill drops Turkey sanctions

Source:al Monitor Date:23Mar2018

Turkey averted political sanctions by Congress in the last second, but the threat is not over, reports Amberin Zaman of al Monitor.   “Tough love” prescribes Asli Aydintasbas

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The U.S. Alliance With Turkey Is Worth Preserving

Source:Foreign Policy Date:21Mar2018

Some in the United States see any accommodation of Turkish concerns regarding the Syrian Kurds as a betrayal of a partner that proved doughty in the fight against the Islamic State. Yet the

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Impact of Tillerson’s ouster on Turkish-U.S. relations

Source:Ahval News Date:17Mar2018

This is by far the best analysis of how Pompeo’s appointment to Foggy Bottom will impact the Turko-American relationship. Spoiler alert:  Negatives outweigh positives.   Regarding

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Erdogan menaces Afrin as YPG digs in

Source:al Monitor Date:13Mar2018

Amberin Zaman writes about Afrin, but answers a more important question:  Have US and Turkey reached a deal on the fate Afrin?

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U.S. moving to repair relations with Turkey, endangering ties with Kurdish allies

Source:Washington Post Date:11Mar2018

Officials gave no timeline for moving the Kurds from Manbij to positions east of the Euphrates, 20 miles away, and did not indicate how the relocation would be accomplished. The officials said

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Russian missiles not like Kalashnikovs: Top NATO General to Turkey

Source:Kurdistan24 Date:10Mar2018

“Getting the S-400 ready for battle isn’t like handing a soldier a Kalashnikov, which can be used by any untrained soldier,” Pavel said, in remarks printed in Breaking Defense, a

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Turkey’s Erdogan says Syria’s Afrin town under siege, entry imminent

Source:Yahoo! Date:10Mar2018

On Thursday, Turkish forces and their Free Syrian Army (FSA) allies seized control of the nearby town of Jinderes, state media reported. Turkey now controls five out of seven of the settlements

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Turkey, US and Germany: Hopes of better relations are premature

Source:PA Intelligence Date:17Feb2018

Turkish Lira appreciated strongly against the dollar and Euro on Friday, as American Secretary of State Rex Tillerson promised cooperation in Syria with Turkey, while a court released

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