When strongmen fight: The US and Turkey need diplomats to resolve their leaders’ dispute

Source:Brookings Papers Date:19Sep2018

Very interesting comparison between Trump and Erdogan:  Disagreement over a jailed pastor has devolved into a personal fight between two strongmen, adding significant strain to relations between

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Here’s How to Save the U.S.-Turkey Alliance

Source:National Interest Date:14Sep2018

The United States committed to repairing its relationship with Turkey in 1978 and must be willing to make that same commitment in 2018. The process of preserving the U.S.-Turkey alliance will be

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U.S.-Turkey relations: from meltdown to low simmer

Source:Ahval News Date:08Sep2018

A very important commentary from a veteran journalist:  White House  might be switching to a more patient approach towards Turkey:  For the moment, the heat is not melting down the saucepan, nor

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America Can’t Be Trusted to Run the Global Economy

Source:Foreign Policy magazine Date:08Sep2018

Economy czar Albayrak writes at Foreign Policy to complain about US:  While the scale of the attack resulted in exchange rate fluctuations, the incident ultimately demonstrated the strong

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Congress dangles Turkey trade deal as carrot to Trump’s stick

Source:al Monitor Date:27Aug2018

Reminds me of the famous  The clash tune:  Should I stay or should I go?   The Donald Trump administration’s heavy-handed approach with Turkey in its bid to secure the release of a detained

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The West must face reality in Turkey

Source:Project Syndicate Date:18Aug2018

Turkey’s currency crisis and standoff with the United States over the imprisonment of an American pastor have exposed the crumbling edifice of the two countries’ Cold War-era

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How will the New Trump White House get along with Erdoğan?

Source:Ahval News Date:11Jul2018

Turkey’s veteren Washington affairs correspondent Ilhan Tanir describes the future of US-Turkey relations: Contrary to what the Turkish foreign minister has said, the Trump team does not

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Turkey’s Slow-Cooking Crisis With Its Allies Is Coming to a Boil

Source:Defense One Date:23Jun2018

This article makes fascinating claims: As reported in the media, Turkey and the U.S. have been negotiating since early spring for a new deal that would have Turkey walk away from its S-400 deal

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Senate Approves Ban On Sale Of U.S. F-35s To Turkey Over Russia Deal

Source:Radio Free Europe Date:19Jun2018

We told you so: The U.S. Senate has passed a major defense bill that would block the sale of U.S. F-35 fighter jets to Turkey unless it abandons a deal to buy S-400 missile-defense systems from Russia.

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US, Turkey agree on Manbij road map, but when will they get there?

Source:al Monitor Date:07Jun2018

Taken at face value, Ankara seems to have scored something of a diplomatic success by convincing Washington to come around to its position regarding the presence of the Kurdish People’s

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