The Middle East’s new battle lines

Source:Brookings Date:21May2018

A good treaties on the evolution of Turkey-Iran relationship. It will be difficult to preserve the current compartmentalization, as US inweighs, and Iran encircles Turkey  in the south.:  

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House lawmaker introduces bill to halt F-35 sale to Turkey

Source:The Hill Date:21May2018

The House NDAA already has a provision that would to hold all U.S. weapons sales to Turkey until a report is created to analyze worsening tensions between Washington and Ankara. A separate Senate

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Turkey to be hard hit by U.S. sanctions against Iran: analysts Date:15May2018

Trump’s hawkish stance  on Iran is likely to complicate trade, finance and  relations with US.   Noting the sanctions will cover all of Iran’s state and financial institutions,

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Turkey, US Could Head for Collision Over Iran Nuclear Deal

Source:VoA Date:11May2018

Turkey has pushed back hard against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned of serious consequences, with

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Senate Bill To Ban F-35 Sales To Turkey An Unprecedented Attempt To Check Erdogan’s Actions

Source:The Drive Date:27Apr2018

This attempt is nothing to be laughed at:  It will be interesting to see how the Trump administration, which has retained relatively close ties with Erdogan since coming into office, and Turkey

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Breaking the Turkey–U.S. deadlock in Syria

Source:Brookings Date:21Apr2018

Excellent analysis of Turkey-US mutual Syrian dilemma:  finding a modus vivendi between Turkey and the United States on Manbij is unlikely to be detached from finding some form of mutual

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Congress ready to levy sanctions, says report

Source:PA Intelligence Date:20Apr2018

According to the influential website The Hill, a bipartisan bill to slap sanctions on Turkey could be underway for “keeping Pastor Andrew Brunson hostage”. The upcoming sentencing hearing of Iran

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Donald Trump tweets support for Christian pastor on trial in Turkey

Source:ABC news Date:18Apr2018

Signs of US running out of patience with Turkey. United States President Donald Trump voiced his support on Twitter for Pastor Andrew Brunson, who is on trial in Turkey on charges he was linked

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US names Turkish ministers, banks as beneficiaries of sanctions-busting scheme

Source:Stockholm Center for Freedom Date:15Apr2018

Halkbank offically mentioned as “beneficary” of Reza Zarrab’s money laundering activities.   The prosecution’s response was submitted to the court on Friday, naming

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Turkey squeezed as US-Russia tensions rise in Syria

Source:al Monitor Date:12Apr2018

Amberin Zaman highlights the topic on which investors will increasingly focus in the coming days: How will the shift in geo-political tensions from US-China to US-Russia axis affect

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