Is a face-saving in the making for Turkey?

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:08Oct2018

Reputable Washington ear Ms Camlibel claims  horse trading on Brunson vs Halkbank fine has resumed.  Xinhua article linked here  confirms  some negotiations taking place.

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What Turkey’s Political Changes Mean for U.S.-Turkish Relations

Source:Center for American Progress Date:01Aug2018

Some startling conclusions:  Still, such a change in perspective—from viewing Turkey as a democratic ally to viewing it as an authoritarian state important to U.S. foreign policy—inevitably will

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Source:War on the rocks Date:30Jun2018

Excellent analysis by Aarıon Stein about the importance or the lack thereof  of the Manbij agreement between USA and Turkey. “Tactics without a strategy” comments  Stein, arguing that

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How to tackle the biggest obstacle to finishing the war with the Islamic State

Source:Washington Post Date:02Apr2018

Could Turkey-US disagreement over Syria end soon? D Ignatius of WP answers  a grudging YES:   The U.S. goal is “getting to yes” with Erdogan, says a senior administration official. To that

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US, Turkey on collision course in Syria’s Manbij

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:01Apr2018

“Manbij for the US is more than just a territory on the map. For the US military it is the door that secures the Raqqa countryside and Raqqa is the showroom model for the US’ post-IS

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Donald Trump says US will withdraw from Syria ‘very soon’

Source:The Independent Date:30Mar2018

This might be the news item, which  cut the dollar/TL rally short.  Today’s Manbij related talks between Undersecretaries are critical.   Mr Trump boasted at a rally in Ohio, the main

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Pompeo expected to take tough tact as relations with Turkey erode

Source:Washington Times Date:29Mar2018

A balanced article considering pros- and cons of gettign tough with Turkey.     James F. Jeffrey, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey and Iraq and now a fellow with the Washington

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PM Abadi: Iraq to prevent Kurdish fighter attacks on Turkey

Source:al Jazeera Date:28Mar2018

Erdogan’s threat to enter Shengal, if Baghdat doens’t chase away PKK seems to have resonated  in Iraqi capital and Qandil.  Was the PKK pull-out orchestrated by Washington? We

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Report to Congress on U.S.-Turkey Relations

Source:USNI News Date:28Mar2018

This is what  I belive to be an official report by US Naval Intelligence to Congress about Turkey-USA releationship.  It does not  give policy advice, limiting its scope to facts on the ground.

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Emboldened Turkey Pushes Deeper Into Syria, but Risks Abound

Source:New York Times Date:24Mar2018

The import of Afrin victory: Yet the fall of Afrin has made it increasingly clear that Turkey and its allies will have to be reckoned with in whatever negotiation might eventually end the

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