In the small city of Manbij in Syria, we could see US and Turkish troops shooting at each other if tensions continue

Source:The Independent Date:02Mar2018

The development of a de facto Kurdish state enraged the Turks and the government in Damascus. To hold onto at least part of their gains, the Kurds need continuing US support, though Isis is

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Congress, State Department divided on sanctions against Turkey

Source:al Monitor Date:01Mar2018

As the US Congress continues to weigh potential sanctions against Turkey over its unremittingly hostile stance toward the United States, there is growing debate within the policy community about

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Turkey and Iran face off in a new battle in Syria

Source:Washington Post Date:21Feb2018

Dress rehersal of the calamity scenario. One hopes  sane minds will intervene, otherwise Ankara is committed to capture Afrin at any cost.   Syria’s messy war is becoming even

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Turkey plans assault on Kurdish enclave in Syria

Source:The Guardian Date:15Jan2018

Wow..As if we don’t have enough troubles at home or in the economy. Turkey’s president has said the country will launch a military assault on a Kurdish enclave in northern Syria “in the

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A Turkish-Iranian businessman may now be cooperating with investigators looking into Michael Flynn

Source:CNBC Date:17Nov2017

WOW!!!.  As far as Turko-American relations go, the title  of this article could be the bomb shell of the century.  The article claims:   The release of a well-connected Turkish-Iranian

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Robert Mueller has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn and son

Source:The Guardian Date:07Nov2017

Remember ex-National  Security Advisor ret. Gen.  Michael Flynn?  He is back in the news at the worst possible time for  Turko-American relations.

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US ‘Deeply Concerned’ by Arrest of Consulate Employee in Turkey

Source:Voice of America Date:05Oct2017

Turkish authorities launched yet another nationwide today, as reported by Anatolian Agency, which by my account spread to four cities by evening hours.   In the morning hours, police and spy

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Flynn’s Turkey Connection Is the Case Worth Pursuing

Source:Bloomberg Date:19May2017

This a bombshell opinion piece.  Could Turkey bring  about the downfall of Trump?  Wow?

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Flynn, paid by Turkey, blocked military move they opposed; told Trump team about investigation

Source:Chicago Tribune Date:18May2017

Turkey’s name is becoming synonymous with scandal in Washington. Ex-National Security Advisor Gen Flynn apparently did   some shady work on behalf of Turkey prior to his appointment to the post.

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Erdoğan outgunned at Trump meeting in face of US-Russian united front

Source:The Guardian Date:17May2017

As we expected, after a historically brief 23 minute summit with President Trump, Erdogan returns empty handed from the U.S. This article explains why.

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