How EU membership issues soured a relations-reset lunch with Turkey

Source:Financial Times Date:31Aug2024

A three hour luncheon suggets to me that serious buisness was attended to Context: Turkey is officially an applicant to join the EU, but its membership progress has been stalled for eight years.

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Cyprus blocks EU sanctions on Belarus

Source:Financial Times Date:22Sep2020

Ehem, but for those of us who live in Turkey and TRNC, it is Greek Cypirote Administration   The EU has failed to agree long-awaited sanctions over the crackdown by President Alexander

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Home truths in the eastern Mediterranean

Source:Financial Times Date:04Sep2020

The answer is an EU policy towards Turkey that matches a tough stance in the eastern Mediterranean — backed up, if necessary, by a show of naval force — with greater economic engagement. In

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Greek police use tear gas on migrants at Turkish border

Source:Yahoo! Date:19Mar2020

Despite the title, this article reports that the Turkey-EU refugee crisis is over.   Greek police said they used tear gas to repel the push south of the Kastanies border crossing. They said

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Turkey Steps Back From Confrontation at Greek Border

Source:New York Times Date:14Mar2020

Another black-mail attempt by Erdogan on EU fails:   Turkey has signaled that it is winding down its two-week operation to aid the movement of tens of thousands of people toward Europe,

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The EU Will Bow to Erdogan’s Demands. Why Wait?

Source:Bloomberg Date:11Mar2020

A cynical but plausible scenario by my favrotie Bobby Gosh on the Turkey-EU refugee crisis:   Both sides know that these histrionics, while they play well to domestic audiences, will not

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Turkey’s Erdogan Leaves EU Talks Without Agreement on Refugees

Source:Bloomberg Date:10Mar2020

Talks between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the European Union over the fate of refugees in his country ended in failure Monday with no clear agreement over what should happen next

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Erdogan Risks Sanctions With April Date for Activating Russian S-400s

Source:Bloomberg Date:06Mar2020

Really?  God, gives the expression “bad timing” a new definition   Turkey will activate its Russian-made S-400 missile-defense systems in April, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

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EU migration pact with Turkey on brink of collapse

Source:Financial Times Date:03Mar2020

As usual, EU members can’t agree on how to respond to Erdogan’s manuever. Regardless of what shall be decided,  EU won’t have the money to silence Mr Erdogan. Will Turkey secure

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Can EU’s fear of terrorists give Turkey clout in ocean drilling?

Source:al Monitor Date:23Nov2019

How far can blackmail go in Turkey-EU relations asks author Fehim Taştekin   President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again stunned Europe, this time by threatening to send captured Islamic

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