Damascus pounds militant bastion, ignoring Trump warning

Source:Channel News Asia Date:04Jun2019

More on Turkey’s Idlib conundrum: Bombardments by the Syrian regime killed six civilians in northwest Syria on Monday (Jun 3), hours after US President Donald Trump urged Damascus and its

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US Official: Russia Unlikely to Support Full-Scale Offensive on Syria’s Idlib


“Our conversations with the Russians have not indicated that the Russians are ready to support a full-scale offensive into Idlib,” U.S. Special Representative for Syria James Jeffrey

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Idlib government chief urges defense against Assad attack

Source:Reuters Date:29May2019

Idlib is Turkey’s new headache. Turkey can’t abandon Idlib in which case millions would flock to its borders, and Assad will become a neighbor  again.  The crisis in Idlib  could

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Arab League says Turkey and Iran are worsening regional crises


Iran and Turkey have worsened regional crises and created new problems in Arab countries, the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States said on Sunday, urging Arab leaders to unite against

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Turkey relying on events to turn tide against Kurdish YPG

Source:al Monitor Date:28Mar2019

A intriguing study by master diplomatic affairs correspondent Mr Semih Idiz viewing the North East  Syria conundrum from the Kurdish viewpoint.   The disappointment was evident in Kobane’s

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No YPG forces’ in Syria safe zone with Turkey: US

Source:Rudaw Date:26Mar2019

Commenting on the latest developments in the US-led coalition strategy in Syria following the defeat of the Islamic State group (ISIS) in Baghouz, northeast Syria on Saturday, the US special

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Trump’s Trade Step Shows U.S. Can Hit Turkey Where It Hurts

Source:Bloomberg Date:06Mar2019

President Donald Trump’s decision to strip some Turkish exporters of their preferential trade status is taken from a playbook that’s been effective in the past. American officials are pressing

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Erdogan denied Syrian opportunity to shore up electoral fortunes


Critical article to understand how the Syria issue is shelved until after Turkey’s election, with the side effect that it robs AKP-MHP off   a potent propaganda tool.   There is

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Gen. Votel recommends arming, aiding Syrian fighters after pullout

Source:Task and Purpose Date:16Feb2019

U.S. arming of the SDF has infuriated Turkey, which sees the Syrian Kurdish YPG fighters that spearhead the group as indistinguishable from the Kurdish PKK movement that has waged an insurgency

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Is Trump Really Pulling U.S. Troops Out of Syria?

Source:Haaretz Date:10Feb2019

Trump’s foreign policy has had one consistent theme in the last two years – unpredictability. Whether it has been closed-door meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a unilateral

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