US spending bill drops Turkey sanctions

Source:al Monitor Date:23Mar2018

Turkey averted political sanctions by Congress in the last second, but the threat is not over, reports Amberin Zaman of al Monitor.   “Tough love” prescribes Asli Aydintasbas

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In Turkey’s Kurdish heartland, anger over Syria war finds a stage

Source:Reuters Date:22Mar2018

Why aren’t AKP’s votes increasing despite Afrin victory, this article answers it:  Kurds are deserting the party in droves:   Tens of thousands of Turkish Kurds turned an annual

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The U.S. Alliance With Turkey Is Worth Preserving

Source:Foreign Policy Date:21Mar2018

Some in the United States see any accommodation of Turkish concerns regarding the Syrian Kurds as a betrayal of a partner that proved doughty in the fight against the Islamic State. Yet the

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Impact of Tillerson’s ouster on Turkish-U.S. relations

Source:Ahval News Date:17Mar2018

This is by far the best analysis of how Pompeo’s appointment to Foggy Bottom will impact the Turko-American relationship. Spoiler alert:  Negatives outweigh positives.   Regarding

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Erdogan menaces Afrin as YPG digs in

Source:al Monitor Date:13Mar2018

Amberin Zaman writes about Afrin, but answers a more important question:  Have US and Turkey reached a deal on the fate Afrin?

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U.S. moving to repair relations with Turkey, endangering ties with Kurdish allies

Source:Washington Post Date:11Mar2018

Officials gave no timeline for moving the Kurds from Manbij to positions east of the Euphrates, 20 miles away, and did not indicate how the relocation would be accomplished. The officials said

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Turkey’s Erdogan says Syria’s Afrin town under siege, entry imminent

Source:Yahoo! Date:10Mar2018

On Thursday, Turkish forces and their Free Syrian Army (FSA) allies seized control of the nearby town of Jinderes, state media reported. Turkey now controls five out of seven of the settlements

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No Exit: Turkey’s unexpected empire in Syria

Source:Ahval News Date:06Mar2018

There are signs the Turkish government understands that it has saddled itself with responsibility for the more than 2.5 million inhabitants of Idlib, Afrin and northern Aleppo. After initially

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Two useful primars on the Syrian War

Source:Yahoo! Date:04Mar2018

With too many global and local actors involved, ever-shifting alliances and the fortunes of war changing daily, the Syrian war remains an enigma to the world investment community.  Two recent

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Congress, State Department divided on sanctions against Turkey

Source:al Monitor Date:01Mar2018

As the US Congress continues to weigh potential sanctions against Turkey over its unremittingly hostile stance toward the United States, there is growing debate within the policy community about

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