Turkey Masses Troops on Syrian Border, Braces for Refugees

Source:Bloomberg Date:10Sep2018

Russia is trying to secure a green light from Erdogan because it understands that staging an assault on Idlib in the face of Turkish opposition risks pitting Russia and Iran against the U.S. and

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Idlib braces for assault as Russia and Iran dismiss ceasefire calls

Source:The Guardian Date:08Sep2018

In addition to the looming human catastrophe,  Idlib offensive will crack open the budding alliance among Turkey, Russia and Iran.   At a closing press conference, Russia’s Vladimir Putin

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Turkey’s options limited as world awaits Idlib operation

Source:al Monitor Date:05Sep2018

Turkey can ill afford to take in further refugees, who would most likely include jihadis. Yet its options are limited. In its report “Saving Idlib from Destruction,” the ICG observed, “Turkey,

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Turkey seeks a way to ease tension with United States

Source:Ahval News Date:04Sep2018

Turkey is seeking a formula to ease tensions with the United States before the next hearing of the trial of American pastor Andrew Brunson on October 12, opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet said .

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Turkey’s woes could be just the start as record global debt bills come due

Source:Washington Post Date:04Sep2018

“We were supposed to correct a debt bubble,” said David Rosenberg, chief economist at Gluskin Sheff, a wealth-management firm. “What we did instead was create more debt.” Those bills are coming

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Even as Turkey pulls away, the west must help its people resist


Bravo to award winning novelist Mrs Elif Shafak for these lines:   Every weekend I would gather with friends and family to watch a western. John Wayne spoke fluent Turkish back then,

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Winter is Coming–for Turkey

Source:PA Intelligence Date:31Aug2018

Winter has come to  Turkey, a country where genuine, orthodox and comprehensive reform or policy change is not possible as long Erdogan and AKP hold  the levers of power.    Turkey is facing

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To Go Forward, Turkey Must Look Back

Source:Bloomberg Date:31Aug2018

Prof Daron Acemoglu hits a home run with his diagnosis of Turkey’s true malaise: How does Ankara get out of this mess? There has been no dearth of policy prescriptions. Some, like Paul

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Russia’s Use of Media and Information Operations in Turkey

Source:Rand Corporation Date:30Aug2018

Russian media have sought to undermine Turkey’s political and security cooperation with the United States and Europe by exacerbating mutual skepticism and highlighting policy differences.

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MHP completes preparation of amnesty draft bill

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:27Aug2018

Why is this important?  Because AKP is against amnesty, while it needs MHP support in the Grand Assembly to pass legislation.

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