Washington warns Ankara not to buy S-400 systems

Source:PA Intelligence Date:27Jun2018

A top U.S. State Department official warned Turkey on Tuesday that its purchase of Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets would be jeopardized if it does not drop a plan to buy S-400

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US: ‘Turkish soldiers will not go into Manbij’

Source:Kurdistan24 Date:24Jun2018

Despite the start of the implementation of the “roadmap” for the Syrian city of Manbij—endorsed in a June 4 meeting between US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and Turkish Foreign Minister,

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Erdogan’s back-pedaling reveals deep anxiety about elections

Source:PA Intelligence Date:23Jun2018

Turkey’s mighty president Recep Tayyip Erdogan may sound confident in public about sweeping both the presidential and general elections on Sunday, but literally speaking, he is running scared. He

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Turkey’s Wag-the-Dog Election

Source:Foreign Policy Date:23Jun2018

Actually, this tour-de-force  expose of Erdogan’s alliance with Gulen and the Syrian policy is about Turkey’s foreign policy dilemmas. I recommend a thorough read, though I disagree

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Reality Check: The numbers behind the crackdown in Turkey

Source:BBC news Date:21Jun2018

How a just effort to remove the Gulenist scourge from the state turned into a witch hunt: People who have been sacked by decree are given no information initially about what they are alleged to

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I Am Running for President in Turkey. From My Prison Cell.

Source:New York Times Date:21Jun2018

A must read for those who believe in democracy and fair play:  HDP leader Salahaddin Demirtas’ defense:   I am writing from a maximum-security prison in Edirne, a city in northwestern

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Turkey election: will Erdogan’s power grab backfire?

Source:Financial Times Date:21Jun2018

We want to thank FT for using our poll data in this article.   “Turkey is textbook unstable,” says Ryan Gingeras, an associate professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in California. “We

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Turkey elections: Can Erdogan really lose?

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:19Jun2018

Özer Sencar, who owns the opinion research institute Metropoll, has been following Erdogan’s career for 25 years. He says Erdogan has never run such a bad election campaign. Erdogan no

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Erdoğan Not Assured of First-Round Victory

Source:Center for American Progress Date:17Jun2018

In April, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called for snap elections expecting to solidify his rule under new constitutional powers. Yet with less than two weeks to go until the June 24

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OSCE expresses concerns over June 24 elections in Turkey in interim report

Source:Stockholm Center for Freedom Date:17Jun2018

An interim report of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) cites a number of concerns regarding the democratic process ahead of upcoming elections in Turkey, including

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