Turkey takes on Kurds in evolving Qandil operation

Source:al Monitor Date:17Jun2018

Politicians in Ankara describe Turkey’s end goal using inflammatory language such as “draining the swamp in northern Iraq” and “cutting off the snake’s head” to define wiping

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Can Europe save Turkey from sliding into authoritarianism?

Source:Open Democracy Date:15Jun2018

The EU’s ability to pressure Turkey on democratization and human rights has been arrested on multiple fronts. As long as the humanitarian crisis in Syria continues, the EU will be less willing to

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Reza Zarrab not yet revealed ‘most important name’ in sanctions-busting scheme

Source:Stockholm Center for Freedom Date:15Jun2018

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Erdal Aksünger has stated that Turkish-Iranian gold trader Reza Zarrab, who has been held in a New York prison since March 2016 for

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Is Erdogan losing his grip on Turkey?

Source:Washington Post Date:13Jun2018

Still, Turkey is not Russia, I always tell my European and American friends. Elections here are flawed, but real. Yes, Erdogan is still very popular and, yes, he controls the media, the judiciary

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Moscow’s take on US-Turkey Manbij deal: Wait and see

Source:al Monitor Date:13Jun2018

He ( a Russian diplomat) added, “Many issues in the [Manbij] deal remain unclear: How are they going to [discern] who are members of PKK [the Kurdistan Workers Party, which Russia and the United

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European Commission calls for continuing Turkey-Greece migrant deal

Source:Middle East Monitor Date:10Jun2018

Her remarks came after Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced Thursday that Ankara was suspending its bilateral migrant readmission deal with Greece. The suspension followed Greek

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Turkish Opposition Hopes 4 Parties Are Mightier Than 1 Against Erdogan

Source:New York Times Date:10Jun2018

International press  is giving  more space to commentary  about Erdogan losing, which suggests Turkey’s eternally divided and bickering opposition  has struck the right formula in this

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What is the aim of Turkey’s anti-PKK campaign in Iraq?

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:10Jun2018

Turkish  forces are 30 km inside Iraq, battling PKK, reports al Jazeera. Presdient Erdogan called a raid on PKK HQ in Qandil Mountains “imminent”.  Murat Yetkin of Hurriyet Daily News

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US, Turkey agree on Manbij road map, but when will they get there?

Source:al Monitor Date:07Jun2018

Taken at face value, Ankara seems to have scored something of a diplomatic success by convincing Washington to come around to its position regarding the presence of the Kurdish People’s

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Three Scenarios for Turkey’s Elections

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:07Jun2018

Overall, from a foreign observer’s standpoint, Turkey’s forthcoming elections may be biased in favor of the ruling parties. But for the first time in a long while, opposition parties have a shot

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