How Turkey is courting Russia’s oligarchs

Source:The Economist Date:08Apr2022

An article by the Economist, driven by prejudice, rather than facts.   Few oligarchs parcking their yachts in Turkish marinas doesn’t present sufficient cause  top claim Ankara is already

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David Gardner: History may finally come knocking for Erdogan

Source:Financial Times Date:10Feb2022

The question, then, is whether the opposition can unify behind a viable candidate and set off an electoral wave he will not be able to resist. Many political analysts believe it can. “We are at

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Does the EBRD still finance freedom?

Source:Financial Times Date:30Jan2022

The EBRD, whose total new investments in 2021 topped €10bn, is unique among multilateral development banks in placing a drive towards multi-party democracy at the heart of its mandate. That

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Lira slide pushes young Turks to virtual working overseas

Source:Financial Times Date:29Dec2021

Opposition parties say that Turkey has already suffered an exodus of talent over the past 10 years as the country has become more authoritarian under the leadership of Erdogan, as well as

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Opinion: What’s wrong with Turkey’s economy? ‘Erdoganomics.’

Source:Washington Post Date:24Dec2021

Great article by rising star Turkey expert, Ms Asli Aydintasbas. I highly recommend reading her insightfull commentary to get the “real turkey”. “Erdoganomics” is a new and evolving

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Why Erdogan’s unorthodox Turkish economic experiment is not working

Source:Financial Times Date:21Dec2021

A good analysis of whether Erdogan’s economic plan  has any economic underpinnings and why it will fail Professor Dani Rodrik of the Harvard Kennedy School said that for years Erdogan had

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Pro-government groups own lion’s share of Turkey media scene: report

Source:Stockholm Center for Freedom Date:09Dec2021

Pro-government media groups own the overwhelming majority of newspapers, radio stations, TV channels and news websites that have the largest audience in Turkey, Turkish Minute reported on

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Turkish manufacturers squeezed by soaring costs

Source:Financial Times Date:20Nov2021

A great view from the ground, which acutally explains how run-away currency depreciation will trigger a recession..   I humbly think all Turkey forecasts must be thrown into the dust bin at

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Erdogan Might Be Too Sick to Keep Leading Turkey

Source:Foreign Policy Date:01Oct2021

A very frank article about Erdogan’s state of health and a what-if exercise if he were unable to discharge his duties   Erdogan may indeed be vulnerable ahead of 2023—just not

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Turkey: prolongation of detention of Osman Kavala displays contempt for human rights and the rule of law

Source:Council of Europe Date:02Sep2021

Yesterday’s decision of the Istanbul 13th Assize Court to prolong the detention of Mr Osman Kavala perpetuates the violation of both his human rights and of Turkey’s obligation to abide by a

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