Turkish President Erdogan faces an alliance of opposition parties looking to remove him from office

Source:LA Times Date:03May2018

The opposition alliance and emergence of SP as challenger to AKP would be the most decisive  developments in Turkish politics since the coup attempt:   Polls show Erdogan’s Justice and

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Possible election scenarios in Turkey

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:28Apr2018

First earnest predictions about policy path of Turkey post-elections by a veteran Ankara journalist:  If Erdoğan is re-elected but the AK Parti loses its parliamentary majority, a series of

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The Woman Trying to Oust Erdogan Picks Up Steam

Source:Haaretz Date:28Apr2018

The title notwithstanding, this article is about the sentiment surrounding Turkey’s dual elections. It may be all about economics.  Aksener, 61, rejects reconciliation with the Kurds and

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Senate Bill To Ban F-35 Sales To Turkey An Unprecedented Attempt To Check Erdogan’s Actions

Source:The Drive Date:27Apr2018

This attempt is nothing to be laughed at:  It will be interesting to see how the Trump administration, which has retained relatively close ties with Erdogan since coming into office, and Turkey

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Beware of the disaster scenario in elections

Source:PA Intelligence Date:26Apr2018

Turkey is one of the rare countries where the announcement of a snap election is jubilated by investors. If the country was run by a shaky coalition or the hope was that the “bastards will be run

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Turkey’s snap elections and the future of Turkish democracy

Source:Brookings Date:24Apr2018

If the government fails to ensure that elections are free and fair, this could aggravate Turkey’s deep polarization and also risk undermining the legitimacy of an electoral victory. This, in

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Erdoğan, Akşener neck-and-neck in PIAR poll – report

Source:Ahval News Date:07Apr2018

First Turkish poll comparing alliances.  Results are discouring for Erdogan and AKP-MHP.   Erdoğan would win 41.9 percent of the vote in the second and deciding round of the election should

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In 24 hours, Turkey stations troops atop 8 mountains in Kurdistan Region

Source:Rudaw Date:07Apr2018

There is scant mention of it in the Turkish press but  the army is pressing the war against PKK into Iraq: As Turkey’s ground operations against the PKK continue in the northern areas of the

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US spending bill drops Turkey sanctions

Source:al Monitor Date:23Mar2018

Turkey averted political sanctions by Congress in the last second, but the threat is not over, reports Amberin Zaman of al Monitor.   “Tough love” prescribes Asli Aydintasbas

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Farewell, Freedom

Source:PA Intelligence Date:22Mar2018

The story of Aydin Dogan’s   capitulation to Erdogan and  the future of press freedom in Turkey.   Dogan’s flagship daily Hurriyet (Freedom in English), is an iconic name in Turkish

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