Turkey changes electoral law in boost for ruling party

Source:al Monitor Date:16Mar2018

A must read to understand Turkey’s new electoral law,  prospects for alliances and the odds for early elections.

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New alliances may change Turkish political landscape

Source:Ahval News Date:10Mar2018

Reputed scholar and survey guru Prof Seyfettin Gursel spoke to Ahval News on his recent  simulations regarding alliances.  In a nutshell, AKP-MHP alliance provides minor comfort to the

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Signs point to early Turkish elections

Source:al Monitor Date:06Mar2018

Turkey may be preparing for a snap election this year to enshrine President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s expanded powers and capitalize on the disarray of a splintered opposition enfeebled by a long

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Turkey Is Turning Into the Next Pakistan

Source:Bloomberg Date:02Mar2018

In some ways, this article understates the threat. The growing presence of   ISIS in Turkey and the slow but visible radicalization of the Islamic movement, alogn with 3.5 million Syrian

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Turkish efforts in Afrin, Idlib will allow Syrians to return home

Source:Daily Sabah Date:09Feb2018

A very critical speech by Erdogan, which found insufficient coverage:   “What is behind the Afrin operation? We will solve the Afrin issue, the Idlib issue and we want that our refugee

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European Parliament’s ‘rights in Turkey’ resolution null and void: Turkish Foreign Ministry

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:09Feb2018

I smile cycnically when people tell me Turkey-EU relations are improving.  We are talking about a country which refuses ot akcnowledge the authority of the European Parliament.  Funny that Turkey

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Fraying Israel-Turkey Ties Threaten Planned Natural Gas Venture

Source:Bloomberg Date:07Feb2018

A U.S.-backed initiative to build an undersea natural gas pipeline between Israel and Turkey looks increasingly troubled as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan escalates his public

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Syria peace deal threatened as Iran and Turkey clash in Idlib

Source:Arab News Date:07Feb2018

In a very alarming development, Arab news sources  report that Turkish  military and pro-regime forces or militia are exchanging  artillery fire in the south of deconfliction  zone Idlib. Rouhani

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Will Washington slap sanctions on Turkey?

Source:PA Intelligence Date:03Feb2018

During the week two highly reputable Turkish journalists with strong ties to Washington policy circles claimed that there is an inconclusive debate in the White House and  the Congress about

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EU expresses fresh concerns over Turkey’s deteriorating rule of law

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:03Feb2018

“The reversal of the court decision to release Amnesty International Turkey Chair Taner Kılıҫ and the detention of the members of the Executive Committee of the Turkish Medical Association are

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